Catholic Blog Directory
The Mac and Cheese Chronicles - Lorri
The Mad Tea Party - March Hare, California
Madrugadores de Buenos Aires - Madrugadores de Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Magdalene Sisters - Group
Magnificat Anima Mea Dominum - Amica, Germany
Making Things Visible
Mama Says... - Milehimama, Texas
Mama's Little Ditty - Sewmelody
Man Bites Blog - John McGuinness
Man with Black Hat - David Alexander, Washington D.C.
Mantellata - Amy
Many Little Blessings - Angie
Marching Orders - Carl Betts, Ohio
Margin Notes - Kevin Clarke
Marilena's Corner - Marilena, Canada
Marina Adamo - Marina Adamo, Brazil
Mark in Spokane - Mark, Washington
Mark Mallett - Mark Mallett
Marquette Warrior - John McAdams, Wisconsin
Martha, Martha - Penni, New Jersey
Martin Family Moments - Colleen
Mary and Joseph's Gem - Fr. Francis Wadsworth (formerly St. Marie's Gem)
Mary and Me - Ginny Kubitz Moyer
Mary Mail - Davin Winger, Texas
Mary Meets Dolly - Rebecca Taylor
Mary, Our Mother - Group
Mary Victrix
Mary's Anawim - Fr. Rick Heilman, Wisconsin
Matthew 12:37 - Jeff Geerling, Missouri
Maude's Tavern - Thomas (formerly Just a Catholic Country Boy)
Maureen Wittmann - Maureen Wittmann
McNamara's Blog - Pat McNamara, New York
Me - A Priest of Jesus Christ? - Fr. Barnabas, Ireland
Me Monk. Me Meander - Fr. Stephanos, OSB
Meandering Home - Kacy, Texas
A Measure of Grace - Stacey
Meditations from Carmel [Podcast]
Meditations of a Discerning Soul - Jim Lopez, Philippines
Medjugorje Graces - MAGS, UK
The Medjugorje Message - Pilgrim
Meet Joe Convert - Sean Herriott, Wisconsin
Meeting Christ in the Liturgy - MCITL: Meeting Christ in the Liturgy, Iraq (formerly Haurietis Aquas)
Meg Funk - Sr. Meg Funk, Indiana
Memories of a Catholic Wife and Mother - Christine
Mercy and Mary - Fr. John Larson, Washington D.C.
Mere Comments - Touchstone Magazine Editors
Metanoia - Gina & Diana
Midnight Radio - Fidelio
Milites Veritatis - Derek Remus, Canada
Miller Sisters Cafe - Miller Sisters
Minnesota Mom - Margaret, Minnesota
A Minor Friar - Friar Minor - Christine, Canada
Mirror of Justice - Group
A Miscellany of Musings - Miss Ellen E., UK weblog - Alexander Allori
Miss Kelly
Missão Rio de Janeiro
Missão São Paulo
Missionary Benedictine Sisters -- Norfolk, NE - Missionary Benedictine Sisters, Nebraska
Missionary Lily - Lily Hannan
Missionary Priest Blogger - Fr. Roberto Mena, Georgia
The Mississippi Catholic - Group
MJ's Musings - MJ, Ohio
Modern Catholic Mom - Ellen & Tara
Modern Commentaries - Amy Pawlak, Wisconsin
Mog's Blog - Zetor, UK
Moments of Inspiration with Your Favorite Saints - Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, Connecticut
Mommy Monsters Inc. - Heidi Hess Saxton, Michigan
Momofive - StMaxFan
Momopoly - Kate Wicker, Georgia
The Monastery of the Infant Jesus - Dominican Nuns, Texas (formerly Life on Lotus Lane)
Monastery Podcast - Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
Monastery Wildflowers - Mary Eileen, Nebraska
Monastics on a Journey - Sister Vicki Ix, OSB, Virginia
Moniales - Sr. Mary Catharine, New Jersey
Monks and Mermaids - Fr. David Bird, OSB, Peru
Monk's News - Fr. Kenneth, OSB, Missouri
Monks on a Mission - Monks of Schuyler, Nebraska
Monk's Progress ~ - Charles Cingolani Höchenschwand, Germany
Monstrous Regiment of Women - Fiorella
More Meredith Gould - Meredith Gould
More than Enough - Sarah
Mostly Prayers - Easter A., Hawaii
The Mother Load - Aimee, Pennsylvania
Mount Carmel - Sr.Helena of Mary, O.Carm., New York (formerly Still Small Voice)
Mount Carmel Catholic Bloggers - Group
Mova Nugraha Indonesia Catholic Blogger - Mova Nugraha, Indonesia
The Moynihan Report - Robert Moynihan
Mulier Fortis - Mac McLemon
Mum2Twelve - Mum2Twelve, North Carolina
The Muniment Room - Ttony, UK
Musica Sacra - Church Music Association (Formerly Sacred Music)
Musings at 85 - Dorothy Vining
Musings from the Big U - Garpu the Fork
Musings from the Den Mother - The Den Mother (Formerly The Den Mother Speaks)
Musings of a Catholic Mom - Sharon
Musings of a Discerning Woman - Susan Rose Francois, CSJP, New Jersey
The Musings of a Mom - Therese
Musings of a Pertinacious Papist - Dr. Phillip Blosser, North Carolina
Musings of a Scottish Catholic Teuchtar - Catholic Teuchtar
Musings of a Twentysomething - Claire Christina, New Jersey
Musings of an Orthodox Korean Catholic - Chosunhoon, South Korea
Mustard Seed Community - Mustard Seed Community, Singapore
My Adventures into Christian Homeschooling 2 - SAHMinIL, Illinois
My Apologies - PattyinCT, Connecticut
My Blog, Mobile and Otherwise - Greg Collins, UK
My Catholic Oasis - Anne, Michigan
My Catholic Potpourri
My Chocolate Heart - Jennifer, Virginia
My Cousin the Saint - Justin Catanoso
My Domestic Church - Elena LaVictoire
My Journey - Audrey, Malaysia
My Journey Into the Church -Katie
My Journey So Far... - Clare, New Jersey
My Life -- Here, There, and Everywhere - The Miller Family, Texas
My Morning Cup - HsMom, Missouri
My Movies - Sr. Rose Pacatte, FSP, California
My Musing - Jenn D., Michigan
My Silent Journey
My Soul Shall Live for Him - Barb, Ohio
My Spiritual Journal - Terence
My Way God's Way - Peter Clarke, OP
My World - Fr. Phil, New Hampshire
The Mystical Rose - Mary333, New Hampshire

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