Objets D'Artagnan - D'Artagnan (formerly The Wacky Wannabe Musical Monk)
Oblate Blog - John, Florida
Oblate Offerings - David, Alabama
Oblique House - Ellyn vonHuben
The Observant Catholic - Brother Juniper
Observant Roman Catholic - Ruth Ann, California
'Od's Blog! - Steve Roney
Of Sound Mind and Spirit - Shelly and Lisa
Okie-Booklady - The Booklady
OldBob44 - Old Bob, Minnesota
Old Thoughts for New People - Augustine, California
Old World Swine - Timothy Jones
Omne Quod Spirat, Laudet Dominum! - Fr. Cory Sticha, Montana
Omnia Vincit Amor - Jason Baguia, Philippines
On a PENsive Mood - Br. Donnie Duchin Duya, SDB, Philippines
On Dover Beach - The Dover Beachcomber, California
On Earth as it is in Heaven - Tom Dobbins, Jr., New York
On the Other Foot - Joel, Washington
On the Side of the Angels - Paul I.J.C. Priest, UK
One Bread, One Body - Jeff Tan, Australia
One Came Back - Group
One Deacon's Idle Musings - Deacon Chick O'Leary, Illinois
One Mind and Heart Intent Upon God - West Coast Augustianians
One Monk of the Order of St. Benedict - Fr. Stephanos, OSB
One Pilgrim - Keith, Ohio
One Pilgrim's Progress - Carl Jylland-Halverson
The One True Faith - Faith Flaherty, Massachusetts
One Truth, One Church
One Woman's Daydreams - Lady of the Lakes, Minnesota
One Woman's Thoughts - Laura
OneBillionStories.com - sjdemoor85 (formerly Not on His Time)
Onward and Upward - Joyce
OnwardToHoliness - Kyle Lee, Illinois
"Open Wide the Doors to Christ" - Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve, Massachusetts
Opinionated Catholic - James H., Louisiana
Optima Musica Dei Donum - Charles Culbreth, California (formerly Musica del Donum Optimi)
Optionc.net - Lawson Cox
Oratory Council Knights of Columbus - Knights of Columbus, South Carolina
Orbis Catholicvs - John Paul Sonnen, Italy
Order of Preachers - Vocations - Province of St. Joseph - Dominican Group
Ordinary Time - Maria, Virginia
Organic Learning - Tracy
Orthometer - Fr. Erik Richtsteig, Utah
Orwell's Picnic - Hilary Jane Margaret White, Italy
OSV Daily Take - John Norton and Greg Erlandson
Other than Being - Br. Thomas Gricoski, OSB, Indiana
Our Beautiful Catholic Faith - Bella Vita
Our Blessed Mother's Children - Fr. Neil Buchlein, West Virginia
Our Emmaus Walk - Group, Singapore
Our Happy Clan - Eileen and Vincent
Our House of Joyful Noise - The Richard Family
Our Lady of Good Remedy - Good Remedy, North Carolina
Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey - Trappist Nuns, Iowa
Our Lady of the Rockies - SFOs in Montana & Northern Wyoming
Our Lady's Little Scribe - Little Scribe, Mississippi
Our Lady's Tears - Sanctus Belle, Minnesota
Our Orthodox Catholic Family - Pam Folbrecht, Wisconsin
Our Word and Welcome to It - Mitchell and Judith Hadley
Out of Babylon - Mary333, New Hampshire
Overflow - Kari Burke, Florida
Overheard in the Sacristy - Fr. L.W. Gonzales, Arizona
Owl of the Remove - The Owl of the Remove, Vermont
Oxygen - Catholic Writer
Visitors since 12/20/2007:
Objets D'Artagnan - D'Artagnan (formerly The Wacky Wannabe Musical Monk)
Oblate Blog - John, Florida
Oblate Offerings - David, Alabama
Oblique House - Ellyn vonHuben
The Observant Catholic - Brother Juniper
Observant Roman Catholic - Ruth Ann, California
'Od's Blog! - Steve Roney
Of Sound Mind and Spirit - Shelly and Lisa
Okie-Booklady - The Booklady
OldBob44 - Old Bob, Minnesota
Old Thoughts for New People - Augustine, California
Old World Swine - Timothy Jones
Omne Quod Spirat, Laudet Dominum! - Fr. Cory Sticha, Montana
Omnia Vincit Amor - Jason Baguia, Philippines
On a PENsive Mood - Br. Donnie Duchin Duya, SDB, Philippines
On Dover Beach - The Dover Beachcomber, California
On Earth as it is in Heaven - Tom Dobbins, Jr., New York
On the Other Foot - Joel, Washington
On the Side of the Angels - Paul I.J.C. Priest, UK
One Bread, One Body - Jeff Tan, Australia
One Came Back - Group
One Deacon's Idle Musings - Deacon Chick O'Leary, Illinois
One Mind and Heart Intent Upon God - West Coast Augustianians
One Monk of the Order of St. Benedict - Fr. Stephanos, OSB
One Pilgrim - Keith, Ohio
One Pilgrim's Progress - Carl Jylland-Halverson
The One True Faith - Faith Flaherty, Massachusetts
One Truth, One Church
One Woman's Daydreams - Lady of the Lakes, Minnesota
One Woman's Thoughts - Laura
OneBillionStories.com - sjdemoor85 (formerly Not on His Time)
Onward and Upward - Joyce
OnwardToHoliness - Kyle Lee, Illinois
"Open Wide the Doors to Christ" - Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve, Massachusetts
Opinionated Catholic - James H., Louisiana
Optima Musica Dei Donum - Charles Culbreth, California (formerly Musica del Donum Optimi)
Optionc.net - Lawson Cox
Oratory Council Knights of Columbus - Knights of Columbus, South Carolina
Orbis Catholicvs - John Paul Sonnen, Italy
Order of Preachers - Vocations - Province of St. Joseph - Dominican Group
Ordinary Time - Maria, Virginia
Organic Learning - Tracy
Orthometer - Fr. Erik Richtsteig, Utah
Orwell's Picnic - Hilary Jane Margaret White, Italy
OSV Daily Take - John Norton and Greg Erlandson
Other than Being - Br. Thomas Gricoski, OSB, Indiana
Our Beautiful Catholic Faith - Bella Vita
Our Blessed Mother's Children - Fr. Neil Buchlein, West Virginia
Our Emmaus Walk - Group, Singapore
Our Happy Clan - Eileen and Vincent
Our House of Joyful Noise - The Richard Family
Our Lady of Good Remedy - Good Remedy, North Carolina
Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey - Trappist Nuns, Iowa
Our Lady of the Rockies - SFOs in Montana & Northern Wyoming
Our Lady's Little Scribe - Little Scribe, Mississippi
Our Lady's Tears - Sanctus Belle, Minnesota
Our Orthodox Catholic Family - Pam Folbrecht, Wisconsin
Our Word and Welcome to It - Mitchell and Judith Hadley
Out of Babylon - Mary333, New Hampshire
Overflow - Kari Burke, Florida
Overheard in the Sacristy - Fr. L.W. Gonzales, Arizona
Owl of the Remove - The Owl of the Remove, Vermont
Oxygen - Catholic Writer