Catholic Blog Directory
Padre Antonio Aguiar - Fr. Antonio Aguiar, Brazil
Paenitentia - Paenitet, Connecticut
Pan de la Semana - Fr. Vitaliano Chito Dimaranan, SDB, Philippines
Papa Familias - Papa-Lu, Mama-Lu
The Paragraph Farmer - Patrick O'Hannigan, California
Parish Blog of St. Edward the Confessor
Passing Through - Paul Amrhein, Texas
Passionate Perseverance - Mary, Virginia
The Passionist Charism - Passionistcharism, Australia
Patch o' Dirt Farm - Nadja Magdalena, Tennessee
Paths of Love - Joseph Bolin
Paths Without Obstacles Lead Nowhere - Sr. Kimberly Prohaska, OSB, Arkansas
Patrice Egging, Music and Ministry - Patrice Egging, Kansas
Patricia W. Baker - Patricia W. Baker
Patrick Madrid - Patrick Madrid, Ohio
Patrick O'Neil's Pointed Pen - Patrick O'Neil, Canada
Pax Christi Summit - Group
Pax et Bonum
Paying Attention to the Sky
Peace! Be Still
Peace, Love, and Joy - Brother Juniper
The Peace of Christ - Hafsa, California
Pelegrina Gadelica - Pelegrina Gadelica, Scotland
The Pelianito Journal - PJ
Pellegrinaggio - Phil, UK
A Penitent Blogger - Penitens
Pensamientos de Juan Pablo II - Ljudmila Hribar, Argentina
Pensamientos de un Sencillo Hombre Católico - Tim Malone, New York
Pensamientos Indiscretos - Dimas, Spain
Pentimento - Pentimento
People for Others - Paul Brian Campbell, SJ, Illinois
The People of St. Mary Magdalene - Group, Utah
Per Christum - Group
Per Fas Et Per Nefas - Rodrigo, Brazil
Peregrinus - Pilgrim On, California
Peregrinus Hibernensis - Eamonn, Ireland
Perfect Joy - Tausign, Connecticut
Perspective - Crystal
Perspectives of a Wanderer - Peregrinus
Petra Super Petram - Petrvs
PhatCatholic Apologetics - Nicholas Hardesty, Ohio
Philadelphia Roamin' Catholic - M.J. Ernst-Sandoval, Pennsylvania
Philly Catholic Spirituality
The Philosopher Mom - Erika Ahern
Phinding Phreedom - MAP
Pike Schemes - Shawn and Sara, Virginia
Pillar Novice - Group
The PIME Missionaries of North America
Pink - Vanessa, Brazil
Plain Catholic in the Mountains - Plaincatholic
Play the Dad??? No, Be the Dad!!! - Matthew S., Kansas
Playing with Fire [Podcast]
Poetry, Prayer, and Praise - Veritas, Ireland
The Political Housewyf
Polonia Pearl - Eddie, Wisconsin
Pondered in My Heart - Kimberlee
Pondering His Goodness - Julia
Popin' Ain't Easy - Throwback
The Port Stands at Your Elbow
Portal and the Redemption of Unity Gain - Portal
Portiuncula: The Little Portion - Brother Lesser
Postscripts from the Catholic Spitfire Grill - Red Neck Woman
The Potter's Jar - Peter James R. Alindogan
PR Woman for Christ - Sister Mary Peter
Practical Catholic - Michael McCall
The Practicing Catholic - Heather Barrett, Texas
Praise and Bless - Brother Charles
Praise of Glory - Elizabeth of the Trinity - Sr. Helena of Mary, New York
Prayer on the Hill - Fr. Milton E. Jordan, Washington, DC (formerly DC OLV Happenings)
Prayerflowers - Prayerflowers
Praying for Grace - Barbara Stein
PrayTell - Worship, Wit & Wisdom - Group
Precious Treasures - Elena, Australia
Prepare for Mass - Bob Kenward
A Prescription for Life - Piscotikus (formerly A Journey Home)
Priests for Life
Priests in Crisis - Suzanne Sadler, Australia
Priests' Secretary (formerly Inter Alia)
PrincipiumUnitatis - Bryan Cross, Missouri
Printed as Preached - Fr. Cávana Wallace, California
Prior's Blog - Prior Peter, OSB, Illinois (formerly Daily Bread)
Pro Ecclesia*Pro Familia*Pro Civitate - Jay Anderson, Virginia
Pro-Life Strike / Abortion Boycott - Gerald DePyper, Wisconsin
Prodigal Catholic Writer - Charlene C. Duline, Indiana
Prof. Felipe Aquino - Felipe Aquino, Brazil
Professor - Stephen Bainbridge, California
Protoevangelium - David Cox & Arthur Guillen Jr.
Proud to be a "Catholic" Convert - S.W. McBride
Province of the Immaculate Conception - Franciscan Friars, TOR
The Provincial Emails - Terrence Berres, Wisconsin
Prudence True: The Art of Wisdom through Ancient Words - Prudence
Psallite Sapienter - Joshua, Australia
Psalm 46:11 - A Journey to the Truth - Michael Hallman, OSA, Pennsylvania
Purify Your Bride
Pursuing the Summit * A Catholic Scripture Teacher Talks - PursuingtheSummit, Tennessee

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