Catholic Blog Directory
Sacra Domus Nazarena - Nazareth Priest, Wisconsin
A Sacramental Life - Fr. Michael, Pennsylvania
Sacramentality - Shana Smith, New York
The Sacred Congregation of Rites - Scranton Priest
Sacred Heart Monastery Student - Sr. Carol Jean, OSB
Sacred Miscellany - Mary Jane Ballou
The Sacred Page - Group
Saint Anne Catholic Church - Group, Wisconsin
Saint Benedict Academy - Marianne
Saint Louis Catholic - Thetimman, Missouri
Saint Quote of the Day - Group
Sainthood Project - Todd Lemieux, New York
Salette Ferreira
Salt+Light Television
The Salt of Cadiz - Dicitencello Vuie, New Jersey (formerly Roma Locuta Est)
Salvation is an Adventure - Tim Burke, Florida
Salve Regina - ParamedicGirl
Sancta Sanctis - Enbrethiliel
Sancte Pater - Vincenzo
Sanctus Christopher - Christopher, Texas
Santa Iglesia Militante
Santissimo Sacramento - Sacramento Seminarians, California
Sarah's Blog: My Catholic Marriage - Sarah H.
Sardonic Catholic Dad - Rob, Maryland
The School Sisters of St. Francis - Sr. Mary Michael and Sr. Maryana, Texas
The Sci Fi Catholic - D.G.D. Davidson, Wyoming
Science and Religion -- Thoughts Along the Way - James Grundl
Scorpion Stalking Duck - Dadwithnoisykids
Scott's Catholicism Blog ( Catholicism) - Scott P. Reichert
Scriptura et Ecclesia - Fr. Brian Dulli, Wisconsin
Scriptural Reflections - Fr. Bert, SM
Scripture | Reflections | Prayer - Joe_Arimathea
Scrutinies - Anonymous Teacher Person
Seat of Wisdom - Christina
A Second Chance - Uncle Jim, Indiana
Secondhand Smoke - Wesley J. Smith
The Secret to Happiness - Wenx
Secretum Meum Mihi - Secretum Meum Mihi
Secular Heretic News
Sedes Sapientiae - SJH (formerly Benedicte, Pater Reverende)
Seek His Face - Fr. Ronald Check, Pennsylvania
Seek. Pray. Share. - Ferdinand Benedictines, Indiana (formerly Discover God in the Everyday. With us.)
Seeking Jesus - Shirley, Canada
Seeking Something - Texas
The Seminarian Sent Forth - John Sureau, New York
Sense of the Sacred - Fr. Jojo Zerrudo
Sententiae Et Clamores- Liam, New York
Sentire cum Ecclesia - Álvaro Menéndez Bartolomé, Spain
Sentire cum Ecclesia - David Schütz, Australia
Servant and Steward - Fr. Daren Zehnle, Illinois (formerly The Draconarius)
Servant for Truth - DJ, California (formerly Ramblings of a Fellow Wanderer)
A Servant's Heart - Gretchen, California
Servus Mariae et Jesu - Joe, Louisiana
Seventh-Day Adventist to Roman Catholic - Group
Sew Infertile - Sew Infertile, Tennessee
SFO Mom - Barb Szyszkiewicz
Shadows of Augustine - Kurt Hilgefort, Ohio
Shameless Popery - Joe Heschmeyer and Fr. Andrew Strobl
The Sheepcat - Alan, Canada
A Shepherd's Voice - Fr. John Molloy, California
Shouts in the Piazza - Guy Sylvester, New Jersey
Shoved to Them - The Mom
Shower of Roses - Jessica
The Shrine of the Holy Whapping - Group, Indiana
Si Fractus Fortis
The Sign of the Mustard Seed - Gretchen
Signs on the Narrow Way - Kerath25, Texas
Silent Insight
Silent Servants (formerly The World...God...?)
Simply Catholic - Darcee
Sincerely, an Angry Catholic - Jean-Therese Delacroix
Sing Me the Old Songs - Clare, California
Singulare Ingenium - Patricius, UK
Sister Act 3 - Sr. Jeanne, Nicaragua
Sister Marie de Mandat-Grancey - Lorraine, New York
A Sister of St. Joseph's Blog - Sr. Joanne Gallagher, CSJ, Massachusetts
Sister Pen L., OP - Dominican Sisters of San Rafael, California
Sisters Blog - Sisters of Bon Secours
Sisters of the Gospel of Life - Sr. Andrea & Sr. Roseann
Sisters of the Holy Family's Web Log - Sisters of the Holy Family, California
Slightly Crunchy Catholic - Melanie
Small Treasures - Kristen
Smaller Manhattans - Christian LeBlanc, South Carolina
Smithflections - Lillian
The Smithy - Lee Faber and Michael
Snup's View from the Back Pew - Tina, Missouri
So Much to Say, So Little Time - Kathleen M. Basi
"So That in All Things...God May Be Glorified" - Sr. Nicolette Etienne, OSB, Indiana
So...This is the Road I am Traveling On - Sarah-Kala, Hawaii
Sober Catholic - Paulcoholic
Sober Inebriation - Mtober and Adam Raha
The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny
Soil and Saints - Andrea Ferich, New Jersey
Soliloquy at the Very Edge - Brim Full, UK
A Solitary Bird - Rebecca
Some Have Hats- Karen Hall
Some Prayer Reflections - Pamphilus
Some Wear Clerics - Group
Son of Bosco - Ashley Collins, Illinois
Sonitus Sanctus [Podcast]
Soul Scribe - SoulScribe
Soulful Longings - Marie Cecile and Just Me, Massachusetts
South Texas Catholic - OJ Nira
Southern Appeal - Group
Southern Catholic Chicks
Southern Illinois Catholic - Peggy, Illinois
Southwark Vocations
A Space for Seeking and Deepening - Sr. Margaret Kerry
The Speakin' Deacon - Deacon John, Kentucky
Special Needs Moms Like Me - Special Needs Mom
Spengler - David P. Goldman
Speramus (We Hope!) - Spera Rose
Spes Unica - Fr. Stephen, CSC
Spike is Best - Paul Stillwell, Canada
Spirit Bytes - Mrs. TLF
The Spirit Magnus - Stephen Spiteri, Australia
Spirit Singing - Rosemarie, Ohio
SpiritCitings Blog - Catholic Religious Vocation Network
The Spirit's Sword - Puff the Magic Dragon and Bear-i-tone
Spiritual Friendship - Fr. Antonio, Lebanon
Spiritual Hunger - Matthew, Washington
Spiritual Popcorn - Paul Jarzembowski, Illinois
Spiritual Woman - Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur, Massachusetts
The Splendor of the Church - Fr. Abe, CRS, Philippines
Splendor Veritatis Missio
Sponsa Christi - An Aspiring Consecrated Virgin
Springs of Joy Homeschooling - Melanie & Columba, Canada (formerly Our Lady of Tuscany Springs Homeschool Academy)
The Spruce Tunnel - Thesprucetunnel
The Squiggly Line of Thought (formerly CatholicSphere)
St. Anne, Pray for Us - Missy and She and Me
St. Barbara Young Adults - St. Barbara Parish, California
St. Blogustine - Matt K. Cassens & Kevin Gleeson
St. Cecilia Schola Cantorum - St. Michael's Church, Alabama
St. Francis of Assisi in Tofino, BC
St. John's Valdosta Blog - Robert Kumpel
St. Joseph's Lilies - Group
St. Joseph's Vanguard and Our Lady's Train - Devman
St. Mary Magdalen, Brighton, UK - Fr. Ray Blake, UK
St. Michael Society
St. Monica's Kneeler - Swissmiss, Minnesota
St. Monica's Tears - Patty, Indiana
St. Padre Pio - Gael
St. Peter's Helpers - Group
St. Robert Bellarmine: Controversies and Secrets - John the Evangelist, Missouri
St. Sebastian Pastor - Msgr. Michael J. Hardiman, New York
St. Vincent Archabbey Vocations - Fr. Fred Byrne, OSB, Pennsylvania
St. Walburga's Blog - Cathmom5
The Stained Glass Buffalo - The Buffalo, New York
Stained Glass Splendor - Sanctus Belle, Minnesota
Stand in the Trenches - M.E., Wisconsin
Standing on my Head - Dwight Longenecker
Staten Island Catholic - Staten Pilgrim, New York
S.tay A.t H.ome at Work - S.tay A.t H.ome at Work, Illinois
The Steel Lily - Group
Stella Borealis Catholic Roundtable - Group, Minnesota (formerly Northland Catholic Roundtable)
Stephen C N - Stephen C. Nwagbo, Nigeria (formerly Imago Dei)
Stepping Out of the Boat - Edward Mechmann, New York
Stewardship Sightings - Stewardship Office, Diocese of Calgary, Canada
+ Still Running Off at the Keyboard - Carrie Tomko + - Paul Stokell, Oklahoma (formerly God Spede ye Plough)
Stony Creek Digest - Jeff Culbreath, California
Stories by Miriam - Miriam Ezeh
Straight from the Heart - Fr. Chuck McCoart, Virginia
Stranger in a Strange Land - Paul Bernacchio
Studeo - Love2Learn Mom, Wisconsin
Sub Tuum - Br. Stephen, O.Cist., Wisconsin
Subiaco Abbey - Monks of Subiaco, Arkansas
Suffering with Joy - Barbara A. Schoeneberger, Missouri
Summa Contra Mundum - Athanasius
Summa Minutiae - Bill White, Illinois
Summa Mommas - Micki and Terry
Summorum Pontificum Wangaratta - Group, Australia
Summum Bonum
Sunday Mornings - Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo, Philippines
Sunlit Uplands - Daniel J. Cassidy
Super(Catholic)Man - FamilyMan
Super Duper
The Supplement - St. Thomas Aquinas, Pray for Us - Reginald de Piperno, Italy
Sutter's Casebook
Suzanne's Shorelines - Suzanne, Indiana
The Swag - National Council of Priests of Australia
Sweetness and Light - Meredith A. Henning

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