Blogs by Clergy [Bishops, Priests & Deacons]
Blogs by Religious
Number of Catholic blogs as of 1/10/16: 2,528Blogs by Clergy [Bishops, Priests & Deacons]
Blogs by Religious

Currently maintained by andrea based on work created by Gen X Revert. Additions or corrections? Please contact me.
Catholic bloggers may also be interested in joining St. Blog's Parish Directory. Contact the owner directly with questions or comments.
A&B News Blog - A&B News Blog, UK
A Tempo di Blog - Atempodiblog
Abbey Roads - Terry Nelson, Minnesota
Abbey's Road - Abbey, Alabama
Abby's Mom Squad Blog - Group
Abigail's Alcove - Abigail, Washington, DC
abitadeacon - Deacon Mike, Louisiana
Abyssus Abyssum Invocat - Bishop Rene Henry Gracida, Texas
Accidental Beatitude - Holly Taylor Coolman
Acción Católica General de Madrid - ACGM
The Acolyte's Tale
Acta Sanctorum - Jody Lamar Finklea, Florida
Acting Franciscan - Franciscan Action Network
Acts of the Apostasy - Larry D., Michigan
Actualidad y Análisis - Jorge Enrique Mújica, LC, Italy
Ad Imaginem Dei - Margaret Duffy, New York
Ad Silvam Ibimus - Jamie & Claudio Salvucci
Adam's Ale - Fr. Valencheck, Ohio
Admissions Blog - Admissions Office, College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts
Adoption Pilgrimage - Bethany & Dan
Adorar - Parroquia de la Anunciacion
Adoro Ergo Sum - Nathan Barontini
Adotar Amar Viver - Olivia, Portugal
Adrienne's Catholic Corner - Adrienne, Idaho
Adventures of a Lay Apostle - Bonnie Young (Shoemaker), Florida
Adventures with Jude - Meg, New Jersey
Afternoon Coffee & Evening Tea - Billie Jo
Against the Grain - Christopher Blosser, New York
Agellius' Blog - Agellius
Aggie Catholics - Marcel & Sara, Texas
Agnus Dei - P. Álvaro Sánchez Rueda, Argentina
Agnus Dei - Catholic Irish Fraternity
Air Maria - Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, Connecticut
Alegria de Dios - Gosspi, Spain
Alheia a Tudo...ou Talvez Não! - Bruxa Mimi, Portugal
Aliens in This World - Banshee
Alimento del Alma - Fr. Nelson Medina, Colombia (formerly Diario de Fray Nelson M.)
Alis Volat Propriis - Heidi Maly
Alive on the Edge - Ukeedukee
All Along the Watchtower - JessicaHof and Chalcedon451
All in His Perfect Timing - All in His Perfect Timing, Kansas
All Manner of Thing - Craig Burrell, Canada
All Roads Lead to Rome - Scott Smith
All that Catholic Jazz - Alex Johannigman, Texas
All Things Catholic - John Allen
All This and Heaven - Neen, Texas
All This and Heaven Too - Silvana, RSCJ, UK
Allen Hall Journal - Allen Hall Seminary, UK
The Alternate Path - Fr. Michael Cummins, Tennessee
Always a Joy... - Susan Alexander
Always Catholic - Sofia Guerra, Wisconsin
Amar a Jesús - Antonio Baltasar
Amazing Catechists - Group
Ambrose-a-rama - Jen Ambrose
American Catholic - Group
American Catholic Blog
An American Point of View - Paul (formerly View Point: Paul)
Amidaments Estamatius - Eloi Aran, Spain
Among Women [Podcast] - Pat Gohn
Amongst Lovely Things - Sarah, Washington
L'Amor Che Move Il Sole e l'Altre Stelle
Amore di Dio - francesconapoli_fn, Italy
An Fhocal Beag's Blog - Peadarban, New Hampshire
Ana Braga-Henebry's Journal - Ana Braga-Henebry, South Dakota
The Anchoress - TheAnchoress
Ancient Faith Podcasts
And Paddy with His Words at Will - Fr. Levi, Ireland
And Several Drafts Later - Jennifer
And Sometimes Tea - Red Cardigan
...and These Thy Gifts - Stef
Andrea Torquato Giovanoli - Andrea Troquato Giovanoli, Italy
Andrew Cusack - Andrew Cusack
Andy's Blog - Andrew O'Brien
Ángeles y Santos - P. Álvaro Sánchez Rueda, Argentina
Angelina de Maria - Angelina Maria
Angels & Saints Blog - Jacob, Canada (formerly There and Back Again)
Angels, Wonders, and Miracles of Faith - Loci B. Lenar, New Jersey
The Anglican Use of the Roman Rite - Steve Cavanaugh
Anima Mea
Anna Vercors - Anna Vercors
Annavictorsca Notes
Annales Ecclesiae Ucrainae - Fr. Athanasius D. McVay, Canada
Anne Faye - Anne Faye, Massachusetts
Annery at Home - Annery, Illinois
Another Brick in the Law - Dan Shakal
Answering Protestants - Matthew Olson
The Anthropology of Accord - Farmer (formerly Pence)
Apologética Para el Mundo - José Miguel Arráiz, Venezuela
Apologia 2.1 - Group
Apostle to Suburbia - LeeAnn Balbirona, Washington
Apostles of Light of the Immaculate Heart - Marianapostolate (formerly Marian Apostolate)
The Apostolate of Hannah's Tears
Aqui Estamos - Juan Ignacio, Argentina
Aquinas, Etc.
Aquinum Urbs - Sabrina Pietrobono, UK
Archangel Stomp - Jim Thorp, Minnesota
Archbishop Blair's Column - Archbishop Leonard P. Blair, Connecticut
Archbishop Cupich's Column - Archbishop Blase Cupich, Illinois
Archbishop José H. Gomez - Archbishop José H. Gomez, California
Archbishop Kurtz Blog - Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, Kentucky
Archbishop William E. Lori - Archbishop William E. Lori, Maryland
Archdiocese of Baltimore [Podcast] - Archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland
Archdiocese of Mandalay Blog
An Archdiocese of Wash DC Catholic - A WashingtonDC Catholic, Maryland
Are We There Yet? - Lisa, Colorado
Arkansas Catholic - Diocese of Little Rock, Arkansas
Arma Dei: Equipping Catholic Families - Monica, Canada
Armchair Traditionalist - Clayton Orr
Arsacal - Msgr. J. Hendriks, Netherlands
Articulating Hope - Deacon Vernon, Wyoming
Articuli Fidei - David Waltz, Washington
As Contas de Deus - Luis Amorim, Portugal
As I Went Walking - Christina Novak, Wisconsin
As Surpresas de Deus! - Helena Le Blanc, Portugal
As the Morning Rising - Ann Murray, Ireland
Ascolta Tua Madre
Aspicientes in Jesum - Pastor, UK (formerly Valle Adurni)
Aspiepriest - Aspiepriest
Association of Catholic Priests - Association of Catholic Priests, Ireland
Association of Catholic Women Bloggers - Group
Association of Pauline Cooperators - Group
ASWOblates - Abbey of St. Walburga Oblates, Colorado
At Home With Our Faith
At the Corner of Susan and St. Joseph - Susan Rose Francois, CSJP (formerly Musings of a Discerning Woman)
ATL Catholic - Fr. Michael, Georgia
AtonementOnline - Fr. Christopher G. Phillips, Texas
El Atril - Fr. Praena Antono Segura, OP, Spain
Auntie Joanna Writes - Joanna Bogle, UK
Ave Momma - Ave Momma
Avia Joy - Avia Joy
The B-Movie Catechism - Eegahlnc
Baby of Mine - J. Crowe
Back Bay View - Emily J., Mississippi
The Back Porch - Pat Gohn (formerly Among Women)
Back to Books - Nicola Mansfield, Canada
Backlit with Joy - Sr. Elisa Ryan & Sr. Jean Hopman
Bad Catholic
The Badger Catholic - Matt K., Wisconsin
Baking Humble Pie - Bethany
The Balanced Center - 4HisChurch, Pennsylvania (formerly Dymphna's Well)
Bangor to Bobbio - Fr. Seán Coyle, Philippines
Baptismal Vows - SFA
The Baptized Imagination - Joe
Barefoot and Pregnant - Calah Alexander, Nevada
Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant - Elena
Barriers to Bridges - Jerome Kiley, Ecuador
Barry's Musings and Family News - Deacon Barry, UK
Bartimaeus' Quiet Place - Bartimeus
Battle Beads Handcrafted Rosary Beads and Chaplets - Battle Beads, New Hampshire
Baylor Catholic Blog - St. Peter's Catholic Student Center, Texas
Be a Franciscan - Franciscans of Holy Name Province, New York
Be Brave - Megan D.
Beads of Joy - RosaryManJim, New York
Bean in Love - Sheena
Bear Wrongs Patiently (formerly Transitus Tiber)
Bearing Blog
Beata Maria Deluil-Martiny
Beata Vergine Maria Blog
Beato Padre Puglisi - Francisco Delicious, Italy
A Beautiful Mess - Monica
Beautiful Thorns - Lisa, Florida
Because God Loves Me As I Am - Group
Becky Eldredge: Creating Space to Connect Faith and Everyday Life - Becky Eldredge, Texas
Beginning to Pray - Anthony Lilles, Colorado
Behind the Silver Screen - Pearl of Tyburn
Behold Your Beauty - Grace
Being Catholic...Really - Pam Spano, Illinois
Being is Good - Deacon Dana, Florida
Being Mirrors - Katie, Ohio
Belinda's Brain
Bell of the Wanderer
The Benedict Blog
Benedictine Oblates of the Northland - St. Scholastica Monastery, Minnesota
Benedictine Reflection - Monks of Marmion Abbey, Illinois
Benedictine Sisters of Chicago - Benedictine Sisters, Illinois
The Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery - Benedictine Sisters, Minnesota
Benedictine Wisdom - Belmont Abbey, North Carolina
Beside the Holm Oak Tree - Our Sorrowful Mother's Ministry, Illinois
The Best of My Life - Annie, California (formerly Annie Go Lightly)
Beth Anne's Best - BethAnne
Bethune Catholic - JCurley, South Carolina
Better than Eden - Mary, New York
Bettnet.com - Domenico Bettinelli, Massachusetts
Betty Duffy - Betty Duffy, Indiana
Between the Bobseins - Natalie
Between the 'Burgh and the City - Paul Snatchko, Pennsylvania (formerly Paul Snatchko)
Beyond Pearls - Darby
Bible Study Podcasts - Pittsburgh Oratory of St. Philip Neri, Pennsylvania
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism - David Armstrong (formerly Cor ad cor loquitur)
Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile di Cremona
Big Blue Wave - Suzanne, Canada
Big C Catholics
Big Pulpit
Bioética y Vida Humana - P. Álvaro Sánchez Rueda, Argentina
Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC - Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, Illinois
Bishop Joseph E. Strickland - Bishop Joseph E. Strickland, Texas (formerly RunFatherRun)
Bishop Kevin Farrell - Bishop Kevin Farrell, Texas
Bishop Richard J. Malone, Diocese of Buffalo - Bishop Richard J. Malone, New York
The Bishop's Column - Bishop Michael Barber, SJ, California
Bishop's Column - Bishop Michael J. Bransfield, West Virginia
Bishop's Column - Bishop Thomas Paprocki, Illinois
Bishop's Columns - Bishop Paul Loverde, Virginia
Bishop's Corner - Bishop Daniel E. Thomas, Ohio
Bishop's Corner - Bishop Michael J. Sheridan, Colorado
Bishop's Letter - Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi, Alabama
A Bit of the Blarney - GrandmaK, Indiana
Bitácora Véritas - Sixto Castro Rodríguez, OP, Spain
Black, White, and Gray - Group
Blair's Blessings - Blair, Texas
Blessed Are the Feet - Colleen
Blessed by God - Amy Ekblad
Blessed to Be - Stephanie
Blessed with Full Hands - Katie
Blessings in Brelinskyville - Tara Brelinsky
A Blog by Maria Johnson - Maria Johnson, Georgia (formerly Another Cup of Coffee)
Blog-by-the-Sea - Theresa Polk, Californnia
Il Blog di Luigi Accattoli - Luigi Accattoli, Italy
Il Blog di Costanza Miriano - Costanza Miriano
Le Blog de la Bergerie - Michele, California
El Blog de Pablo H. Breijo
Il Blog Degli Amici di Papa Benedetto XVI - Joseph Ratzinger
A Blog for All Seasons - Thomas More Institute
A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics
A Blog for My Mom - Rosie, Virginia
Blog of a Country Priest - Fr. John
The Blog of Edmund Mitchell - Edmund Mitchell, Ohio
Blog of Fr. Peter Leung - Fr. Peter Leung
The Blog of MJ - Marjorie Jones
The Blog of the Courtier - William Newton, Washington, DC
Blog of the Dormition - Father Deacon John R.P. Russell
Blogger Priest - Fr. Joseph Jenkins, Maryland
The Blogging Brother - Br. Ray Dwyer, Ireland
Blogging for a Better Life - Rose, Ohio
Los Blogs de Religion en Libertad.com
Blogueros con el Papa - Group
Blooms of Joy - Roxie
Blue Hermit - Brother Dismas Mary of the Cross, Gambia
Bluebird Songs - Stephanie (formerly I Found Him Whom My Soul Loves)
Bonfire of the Vanities - Fr. Martin Fox, Ohio
A Book of Everything - Brian
The Book of the Battle Maiden - Sr. Hilda Kleiman, OSB, Oregon
Book Reviews and More - Steven R. McEvoy, Canada
Books, Roses, and Wine - Amanda
Boston Catholic Insider - Anonymous Group, Massachusetts
Bottled Ponderings - Ana Maria
Br. Jack's Preaching Ministry - Br. Jack Rathschmidt, OFM Cap, Connecticut
Br. Mark - Br. Mark, North Carolina
Braids, Curls & Hunting Squirrels - Dawn, Texas
Branching Out - Renew International
BrandonVogt.com - Brandon Vogt, Florida (formerly The Thin Veil)
Braut des Lammes - Braut des Lammes
Bread from Heaven Unlimited - BFHU
Bread of Life - Michael, Australia
The Breadbox Letters - Nancy Shuman
The Break [Podcast] - Fr. Roderick
Breaking the Word - Fr. Chris, Singapore
Breviary Hymns
Brianna Heldt - Brianna Heldt (formerly Just Showing Up)
The Bridge - Fr. Frank Majka, SJ, Wisconsin
Bridges and Tangents - Fr. Stephen Wang, UK
A Brief Encounter - Gregg Bearman, UK
Brooklyn Born Believer - N.J. Azzaro, New York
Brooklyn Born Believer - Just Quotes - N.J. Azzaro
Brother David - Br. David Henley
Brother Priests - Frs. Joel and Benjamin
Brotherisaac - Br. Isaac, OSB, New Hampshire
@brunomastro - Bruno Mastroianni, Italy
Brunonis - jos.m.betle
Building Cathedrals - Group
Building on the Word - Fr. George M. Smiga, Ohio
Bukas Palad - Adrian Danker, SJ, Singapore
The Burch Book - Caitlin (formerly Easy as ABC)
Buscadores de Dios - Centro de Espiritualidad Agustiniana, Spain
The Busy Catholic - The BC Catholic, Canada
Button's Blog - Patrick Button, Kansas
By His Grace - Onlybyhisgracejs
By Sun and Candlelight - DRH
Byzantine Catholic Priest - Fr. Michael Venditti, Pennsylvania
Byzantine, Tx - Josephus Flavius, Texas
Byzantium on Brew
The Cabbage Patch
Caelum et Terra - Maclin Horton
Cafe St. Isidore - Fr. Eric Augenstein
California Catholic Conference
California Catholic Daily
California to Korea - Micaela
Call Her Happy - Jenna
Call to Holiness - John Clem, Virginia
Called to Communion - Andrew Preslar
Cambridge Lay Dominicans - Group, UK
Caminar - Caminar, Spain
Caminar desde Cristo - Tabor
Camino Cisterciens - Monasterio Cisterciense de la Sta. Cruz, Spain
Camino La Mancha - Lora Goulet
Caminos de Fe - Eduardo Bolaños Vargas, Costa Rica
Campfires and Cleats - Chris
Can We Cana? A Community to Support Catholic Marriages - Karee Santos
Can You Drink the Cup? - Fr. Rob, Pennsylvania
Canadian Catechist - Lee Bastings, Canada
Canonical Consultation and Services Blog - Jennifer Haselberger, Minnesota
The Canon's Stall - Fr. Matthew Jones, Wales
Cantillana y su Pastora - Pastora de Cantillana
Cantuale Antonianum
Cappadocia in Lowell - Renee Aste
The Capstone - Tim Muldoon
Capuchino de Silos - Capuchino de Silos
Cara a Cara - Sinretorno, Spain
Cardinal Roger Mahony Blogs L.A. - Roger Cardinal Mahony, California
Cardinal Seán's Blog - Seán Cardinal O'Malley, Massachusetts
The Cardus Daily - Group
The Careless Catholic - Kelly, Colorado (formerly Gratiae ut Deus)
Caribbean Catholic - Sean, Trinidad and Tobago
Caritas et Veritas - Group
Caritas Internationalis
Carmel Heart - Laura Paxton, Oregon (formerly The Passionate Paradox)
Carmelites Notting Hill - Carmelites, UK
Carrots for Michaelmas - Haley
Cartusialover - Cartusialover
Cartwheels and Windmills - Cat
Una Casa sulla Roccia
Casual Theology - Tom Ponchak, Florida
Catalytic Converter - Fr. Bedel, Ohio (formerly The Faceless Man)
The Catechesis of Caroline
The Catechist Café - Tom Burns
Catechist Community
Catechist Daily - Elizabeth
Catechist's Journey - Joe Paprocki, Illinois
Catechumens - USA - F.Murillo, California
Catedral de Nuestra Señora - Catedral de Nuestra Señora, Guatemala
The CathApol Blog
Catherine's Cafe - Sinsinawa Dominicans, Wisconsin
Catholic365.com - Group
Catholic Advice
Catholic All Year - Kendra Tierney
Catholic American Eyes in Korea - Maryknoll Priests, Korea
Catholic and Crunchy - Buttercup419, North Carolina (formerly Finding My Fertility and My Faith)
Catholic and Enjoying It! - Mark Shea, Washington
Catholic and Loving It! - James Preece, Great Britian
Catholic Answers Blog - Group
Catholic Answers Focus [Podcast]
Catholic Answers LIVE [Podcast]
Catholic Architecture and History of Toledo, Ohio - Group
Catholic Attachment Parenting Corner - Kim Cameron-Smith
Catholic Audio Books
Catholic Authenticity - Melinda Selmys
The Catholic Beat - Sacred Heart Radio, Ohio
Catholic Bible Student - Mark G., Colorado
Catholic Bibles - Timothy, Michigan
Catholic Bloggers Network - Group
The Catholic Book Blogger
Catholic Breadbox - Suzanne F.
Catholic by Grace - Denise Bossert
The Catholic Cat -JoAnn Turner
The Catholic Catalogue - Group
Catholic Champion Blog - Matthew Bellisario and mkmcmkc
Catholic Chicago Blog - Group
Catholic Christian Homeschooling - Nikki W., Illinois
A Catholic Citizen in America - Brian, Minnesota
Catholic Coffee Talk - Marie Bernadette, Ohio
Catholic Collar and Tie - Fr. Gary Dickson and Andrew McDowell
Catholic Commentary - Joe, UK
Catholic Conclave - Gillibrand (formerly Catholic Church Conservation)
Catholic Connection [Podcast] - Teresa Tomeo
A Catholic Convert in Ottawa - Lise, Canada
Catholic Creativity - Heather Anne, Montana
Catholic Cuisine - Group
Catholic Deals - Liz
The Catholic Difference - George Weigel
The Catholic Dormitory - Group
Catholic Ecology - Bill Patenaude, Rhode Island
Catholic Education - Michael Zelenka, Florida
Catholic Education Daily - Cardinal Newman Society (formerly Campus Notes)
Catholic Educator - Faustin N. Weber
The Catholic Eternal Truth - Isahel N. Alfonso, Philippines
Catholic Exchange - Group
The Catholic Eye - David H. Lukenbill, California
Catholic Faith and Reflections
Catholic Faith Corner - Sr. Kathleen Glavich, SND, Ohio
The Catholic Family [Podcast]
Catholic Family Faith - Teri Burns, Michigan
Catholic Financial Life - Catholic Financial Life Insurance, Wisconsin
Catholic Fire - Jean Marie Catherine Heimann
Catholic Fit Mom for Life - Cecilia Escobedo (formerly Little Saints in the Making)
The Catholic Foodie - Jeff Young
Catholic for Catholics
Catholic Fried Rice - Mateo
The Catholic Gentleman - Sam Guzman, Wisconsin
The Catholic Gift Shop Blog - The Catholic Gift Shop
Catholic Global Mission Today - Fr. Carl Chudy, SX, New Jersey
The Catholic Guy Show [Podcast] - Lino Rulli
Catholic Heart and Mind
Catholic Herald: William Oddie - William Oddie
Catholic-Hierarchy News - David Cheney, Kansas
Catholic History Nerd - Sarah (formerly A Beaten Copper Lamp of Deplorable Design)
Catholic Homeschool Australia - Group, Australia (formerly Catholic Home Education Network Blog)
Catholic Household
Catholic How - Group
Catholic Icing - Lacy
The Catholic Illustrator's Guild - Group
Catholic in a Small Town [Podcast] - Mac and Katherine Barron
Catholic in Brooklyn - Catholic in Brooklyn, New York
Catholic Insight: Priest Blog
Catholic Insight: Terry McDermott - Terry McDermott
Catholic Inspired - Jon and Jennifer Lawrence, Pennsylvania (formerly Crafolic)
Catholic Intelligence Blog
The Catholic Irishman - Catholic Irishman
The Catholic Jedi Academy - Group
A Catholic Jew Pontificates - Brother G, Australia
Catholic Journal.US - Group
Catholic Kara - Kara
Catholic Kids Bulletin
Catholic Land Movement - Kevin Ford & Eugene Diamond
Catholic Lane - Group
The Catholic Legate - Group
A Catholic Life - Matthew, Minnesota
Catholic Light - Group
Catholic Light ~ The Divine Flame Within - Beth JanMarie
Catholic Link - Group
Catholic Living - Baritone & Soprano
Catholic Man Night
Catholic Men of Chicago Southland
A Catholic Mom Climbing the Pillars - Ebeth
A Catholic Mom in Hawaii - Esther, Hawaii
A Catholic Moment - Laura Kazlas, Indiana
Catholic Mom's Cafe - Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle
Catholic Moms Connect - Group
Catholic Moral Theology - Group
A Catholic Mother's Thoughts - Rosemary Bogdan, Michigan
Catholic Movie Nerd - T. Martin
Catholic News and Inspiration - Patti Maguire Armstrong
Catholic News Service Blog - CNS
Catholic Notebook - Soutenus, Texas
Catholic Nursing Mothers League
Catholic Phoenix - Group
Catholic Prayer Life Blog - Colleen Spiro
A Catholic Reader - Lisa Nicholas, Texas
Catholic Relief Services Blog
Catholic "Rite" Now - Phil
Catholic Sacristan - Wendell
The Catholic Scholar - Amy Troolin, Minnesota
The Catholic Science Geek - Barbara Soares, New Jersey
Catholic Scot - CatholicScot, UK
Catholic Sensibility - Todd Flowerday and Neil
Catholic Skywalker - Catholic Skywalker
Catholic Soup - Vincent Carrasco, Colorado
Catholic Spiritual Direction - Fr. John Bartunek, LC, New York
The Catholic Spiritual Life - Eric M. Johnston, New Jersey
Catholic Stand - Group
Catholic Strength - Tom Mulcahy
The Catholic Sun (formerly Blogtcs.com)
Catholic Tech Talk - Joe Luedtke
Catholic Teen - Catholic2themax
Catholic Teen - Marcus Browning
The Catholic Thing - Group
A Catholic Thinker - Tod Worner
Catholic to the Core - Marge Fenelon
The Catholic Toolbox
Catholic Traditional Looking for Wife - Chris Whittle, Massachusetts
Catholic Travel Blog
Catholic Truth
Catholic Varia - Ed Mechmann, New York
Catholic Video Gamers - Group
Catholic Vitamins [Podcast] - Deacon Tom, Arizona
Catholic Voice
Catholic Voices Comment - Group, UK
Catholic Volunteer Network Blog - Group
Catholic Voyager - Sam Entile
Catholic Web Solutions - Sr. Susan Wolf, SND
Catholic Webphilosopher - WebPhilosopher, Florida
Catholic Weekend [Podcast]
The Catholic Wife - Katie Sciba, Louisiana
Catholic Wife and Mother - Cmerie, Arizona
A Catholic with Cancer - Miriam Mom
Catholic Working Mom
The Catholic Working Mother - JoAnna Wahlund
Catholic World News (formerly Off the Record)
Catholic World Report
The Catholic Writers Guild
Catholic Xray, a Penetratng Vew of Modern Catholicism - Michael & Thomas DePietro
The Catholic Young Woman - Group (formerly A Maiden's Wreath)
Catholica Forma - Abuna Ignatius, Italy
Catholicism and Adventism
Catholicism Anew - Fr. Robert J. Carr, Massachusetts
Catholicism for Everyone - Phil Lynch
Catholicism Pure & Simple - Group
CatholicLand! - SWP
CatholicMatch Institute - CatholicMatch (formerly Faith, Hope & Love)
CatholicMom.com - Group
CatholicMumma - Beth
Catholicpreacher - Fr. Gareth Leyshon, Wales
Catholics Against Militarism - Group
Catholics Finish Strong: John LaBriola's Blog - John LaBriola
Catholics Finish Strong: Julie's Blog - Julie Onderko, Oregon
Catholics Finish Strong: Steve Timm's Blog - Steve Timm, Oregon
The Catholics Next Door [Podcast] - Greg and Jennifer Willits
Catholics4Change - Susan Matthews
TheCatholicUnderground - Group
Catholicunderground.com [Podcast]
CatholicVote.org - Group
Catholicwideweb's Blog - Catholicwideweb
Catholikos Diakonos - Deacon Scott Dodge, Utah
Catolico Luchador - Catolico Luchador, Venezuela
Católicos de Puerto Rico - Wilfredo Lopez
Caught Up in God (formerly Cenacle Journal Archives)
Cause of Our Joy - Leticia
Celestial Offerings - Bryn
CF Family - Allison, Alaska
Changed for Good - Chris & Cassie Conger
The Chant Café - Group
A Chaplain Abroad - Fr. Bede Rowe
The Charcoal Fire - Kevin Clarke
Charles Carroll Society
Charlotte Ostermann - Charlotte Ostermann (formerly Chatty Catholic Doll)
Charlotte Was Both - Amy Welborn
Chateau d'If - Stephanie Z., Pennsylvania
Chemins de lecture… - Klod, France
Cherished Hearts at Home - Gae
Cherishing Everyday Beauty - Sarah
Chesterton and Friends - Eric
Chiamati alla Speranza - Maria
Chiesa Domestica
Children Living the Sunday Word - Jim Khong
Children's Rosary - The Children's Rosary, Connecticut
Chocolate for your Brain - Sherry Antonetti
Christ Before Me, Christ Renew Me
Christ in 10,000 Places - Group
Christ Is Our Life - Carmelite Sisters
Christ is the Answer [Podcast] - Fr. John Riccardo, Michigan
Christ the Bridegroom - Nuns of Christ the Bridegroom Community, Ohio
Christian Classics [Podcast] - Theresa Hofer
The Christian Event - Brad Bursa, Ohio
Christian Monitor - Group, India
Christopher Closeup - Tony Rossi
Christ's Faithful Witness - Group
The Chuff Chronicles - Carrie (formerly Rattles and Rosaries)
Church and Culture [Podcast] - Deal Hudson
Church & State - Group
Church-Hopping in Utah - Gracemarie Goette, Utah
Il Cielo Azzurro - Angelo Garau
Cieloscent Rosary [Podcast]
El Ciento por Uno... - Oscar Dominguez Valado
The City and the World - Joe Koczera, SJ, New York
City Father - Fr. Ronald Franco, CSP, Tennessee
Clan Donaldson - Donaldson Family, Connecticut
Clara MB Fleischmann - Clara Fleischmann
Claretianas USA - Claretians
Classic Catholic - Robert Gotcher
Classical Catholic Education - Mark Langley, Ohio (formerly Lion & Ox)
Classnotes on Love - Soulja
Cleansing Fire
Clear Vision - Catholics and the Media - Catholics Unplug Your Televisions
The Cloistered Heart - Nancy Shuman
Closed Doors, Open Windows - Lisa
Clover Soldier - Ciarán Butler, Ireland
Co-Author Your Life with God - Sr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP
Coffee and Canticles - The Divine Office Go-To Girl - Daria Sockey, Pennsylvania
Coffee Happens - Ashley
Coffin Corner - Bill Coffin
Cogito - Fr. Russell Bantiles, Philippines
Collaborative Dominican Novitiate - Dominicans, Missouri
Colleen Duggan - Colleen Duggan
Colwich Novitiate - Noviceship, England
Come Gesù - Mauro Leonardi
Come to the Water - Sharon Bohlen, Ohio
Come What May - Katy Christy
Coming Down to Earth - Michael Novak
Coming Home - Gerard Nadal
Commentarium Catholicum - M. Recke
Communio - Paul A. Zalonski, New Jersey
The Communion Veil - Adele Horne
Communion with God - Veronica Wilson
Communità Ambrosiana - Communità Ambrosana, Italy
Community in Mission - Monsignor Charles Pope, Washington DC (formerly Monsignor Charles Pope)
Community of Catholic Bloggers - Group
Companions of the Cross - Companions of the Cross
Con Otros Ojos - Dominicans
Conceiving Hope
Concerned for Life - Julie Culshaw, Canada
A Concord Pastor Comments - ConcordPastor, Massachusetts
Concrete Life - Group
Confessionário dum Padre - Confessional, Portugal
Confessions of a Catholic Mutt - CM
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind - Jeremiah Evans
Connect with Mercy - Sisters of Mercy (formerly Sisters of Mercy of the Americas)
Connecticut Catholic Corner - Julie, Connecticut
Conoce tu fe Católica - Pabloeze
Conscientious Catholic - Conscientious Catholic
A Conservative Blog for Peace - The Young Fogey
ConsiderPriesthood.com - Sacramento Seminarians (formerly Santissimo Sacramento)
Contemplative Catholic - Contemplative Catholic, UK
Contemplative Catholic - Random Thoughts of a Catholic Writer - Christopher J. Moore
A Contemplative Faith - Carl McColman
Contemplative Homeschool - Connie Rossini, Minnesota
Contemplative Horizon - Contemplative Woman
Contemplative in the Mud
Contra Pauli - Pauli
Contra|Diction! - ELA, Canada
Contranaut Girl - Kiera Kurak
Conversations with Sophia
Conversations with Sr. Camille - Sr. Camille D'Arienzo, New York
Conversion Diary - Jennifer F. (formerly Et Tu?)
Convert Journal - George Sipe
Cor Jesu Sacratissimum - Weblog Reflections by Kim Maria Buck - Kim Maria Buck
Corazón Eucarístico de Jesús - Fr. Javier Sánchez Martínez, Spain
Corazones en Red - Sagrados Corazones
La Corda da Preghiera - Elena Adorni
The Cordial Catholic - K. Albert Little
Cordialiter, Il Blog Sulla Tradizione Cattolica
The Corner with a View - Julie Robison
Cosa Resta del Giorno
Cosmos + Sun - Fr. Mark White (formerly Devil, Does Your Dog Bite?
Countercultural Father - Ben Trovato, UK
Counting Gifts of Grace - Mary
A Couple of Catholics - Patrick & Nicole Padley
Courage Philippines - Group
Courageous Priest
The Crazy Catholic Woman - Sandy
Crazy Quilts, Catholics, and Cookies - Group
Cream City Catholic - Group
Created Worlds
Creating Space - Peggy O'Flaherty
Creative Minority Report - Group
Credo Catholic - Beth Nguyen
Creed Code Cult - Jason Stellman
Creo en Dios! - Susan Stabile, Minnesota
The Crescat - ~ K, North Carolina
Cristianesimo Cattolico - Catholica Ecclesiae Christi
Il Cristo Tutto Amore
Crooked Lines - Karen
Cross Castle 1982 - Mother Star
Crossed the Tiber - Tiber Jumper
The Crow's Nest - Kat
Crumbs - Spiritual Reflections of Fr. Bobby R. Titco - Fr. Bobby R Titco, Philippines
Crusader Knight - James Pawlak, Wisconsin
Crusaders for Christ
Cry 'Woof' - Will Duquette
CSJP Vocations Blog - Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
Culture of Life Africa - Obianuju Ekeocha
Culture Witness - Lea Z. Singh
Cum Lazaro - Lazarus, Scotland
Cupcakes, Curls, & Catholicism - Rachel
The Curt Jester - Jeff Miller, Florida
A Cyberpilgrim's Blog - Caroline Cerveny, SSJ-TOSF
Cyberteologia - Antonio Spadaro, SI
Da Mihi Animas - Padre Steve, New Jersey
Da Tech Guy on DaRadio Blog - DaTechGuy
Dad29 - Dad29, Wisconsin
Daily Bread Radio [Podcast]
Daily Disconnect [Podcast] - Order of Carmelites, Illinois
The Daily Eudemon - Eric Scheske
Daily-Homily - Foodforthought, Philippines, New York
Daily Meditations of Pope Francis - L'Osservatore Romano and Vatican Radio
Daily Meditations with Fr. Alfonse - Fr. Alfonse
Daily Prayers and Meditations
Daily Theology - Group
Damian Thompson - Damian Thompson, UK
Dan Burke - Dan Burke
Daniel Bearman - Daniel Stewart
Dappled Things
DarwinCatholic - Darwin, Mrs. Darwin
DarylMadden - Daryl Madden
Dating God - Daniel P. Horan, OFM
Daughters of Charity Provincial Archives - Daughters of Charity, Maryland
David Lindsay - David Lindsay, UK
David Torkington - David Torkington
DavidLGray.info - David L. Gray (Yoseph M. Daviyd), Ohio (formerly A Commentary on the Spiritual Life)
Day by Day in Our World - Laura O, Maryland
Day by Day with María - María de Lourdes Ruiz Scaperlanda, Oklahoma
Daylight Origins Society - Daylight Origins Society
Days of Deepening Friendship - Vinita
DC-Laus Deo - DC Calamity, Washington, DC
De Escuadras a Tramos - Manuel Almansa, Spain
De Familia, Dos Puntos - Beatriz Cordero Echeverria
De Maria Numqum Satis - Fr. Alvaro Josemaria Interiano, Texas
De Omnibus Dubitandum Est - Mark Lambert
De Todo los Días - Ricardo Guillermo Rosano, Argentina
Deacon Chuck Thompson - Deacon Chuck Thompson, Illinois
Deacon Dale's Blog - Deacon Dale
Deacon for Life - Deacon John, Florida
Deacon Gerry's Blog - Deacon Gerry
Deacon Harbey Santiago - Deacon Harbey Santiago, Maryland
Deacon John Scanlon - Dean John Scanlon, UK
Deacon Larry - Deacon Larry Brockman, Florida
Deacon Mike: An Itinerant Preacher - Deacon Mike Walsh, Canada
Deacon Mike's Blog - Deacon Mike Seibert, Indiana
Deacon Pat's Homilies - Deacon Pat, California
Deaconcast - Deacon Mike Buckley, Missouri
Deaconjohn1987's Blog - Deacon John Giglio
The Deacon's Bench - Deacon Greg Kandra, New York
Deacons Today: Dalmatics and Beyond - Deacon William T. Ditewig, Washington, DC
Deep South Deacon - Deacon Paul, Louisiana
Deeper Truth
The Deeps of Time - Michael
Defend the Faith - Jay G., Massachusetts
Defend Us in Battle - Joe, Alaska
Defénde nos in Proélio - Annie Elizabeth, UK
Defenders of the Catholic Faith - Steve Ray (formerly Steve Ray's Blog)
Dei Familius - Matthias Gilbert, Germany
Denise Bossert - Denise Bossert
Deo Adiuvante - Fr. Leo McDowell, Montana
Deo Volente Ex Animo - Thomas, Trinidad and Tobago (formerly Island Envoy)
Desert Wisdom - Belmont Abbey, North Carolina
Designs by Birgit - Birgit
Desperate Irish Housewife - Susan Vigilante
Deus Caritas Est - Fr. Nick Meisl, Canada
The Deus Ex Machina Blog - S. Armaticus
Deus lo Vult! - Jorge Ferraz
Deus Nobiscum (formerly God Is With Us)
D/FW Catholic Writers Group - Lisa Nicholas, Texas
Diakonia - Deacon Patrick Kearns, California
Diary of a Wimpy Catholic - Max Lindenman
Dierdre Haggerty - Dierdre Haggerty, New York
Dignare Me Laudare Te, Virgo Sacrata - Matthew
Diritto Naturale - Marco Ferraresi
The Dirty Papist - Ed Pie
Discern the Call - Br. Scott Slattum, OFM, California
Discerning Hearts
Discerning Hearts Podcasts - Group
Discerning Religious Life - Sarah
Discovering XXI Century - Fr. Tomas Del Valle-Reyes, New York
Disputations - John da Fiesole
Distinctly Catholic - Michael Sean Winters
The Divine Heart of God the Father - Shadow
The Divine Lamp
The Divine Life (formerly Actions, Not Just Words)
The Divine Wedgie - Matthew Tan
Do I Have a Vocation.com - Therese Ivers
Do Not Be Anxious - Do Not Be Anxious
Do Small Things with Love - Group (formerly Small Things)
Docete Omnes Gentes - Fr. Jake Runyon, Indiana
The Doctor is In [Podcast] - Dr. Ray Guarendi
Dom Donald's Blog - Dom Donald, Scotland
The Dome Blog - Ferdinand Benedictines, Indiana
Domenic Marando - Domenic Marando, Canada
Domestic Vocation - Christine
Domine, da mihi hanc aquam! - Fr. Philip Powell, O.P. , Texas
Dominican Contemplative Nuns - Corpus Christi Monastery, California
Dominican Friars - Province of St. Joseph - Dominican Friars
Dominican Idaho - Mark, Idaho
Dominican Life on Lotus Lane - Dominican Nuns, Texas (formerly The Monastery of the Infant Jesus)
Dominican Liturgy - Fr. Augustine Thompson, OP, Virginia
Dominican Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary - Sr. Mary Catharine, New Jersey (formerly Moniales)
Dominican Nuns Ireland - Dominican Nuns, Ireland
Dominican Vocations - Province of St. Joseph - Fr. Benedict Croell, OP, Washington, DC
Dominicana - Dominican Students of the Province of St. Joseph
DomiNickan - Nick, California
Dominus Mihi Adjutor - Fr. Hugh Somerville-Knapman, OSB, UK
Dominus Vobiscum, Et Cum Spiritu Tuo - Rachel Anne Therese, Singapore
Don Claudio Doglio - Don Claudio Doglio, Italy
dotCommonweal - Group
dotMagis - Group
Doug on Tap - Doug Johnson, Texas
Doylettes - Sweetpea, Tennessee
Dress to God's Word / "Liturgical Dress" - James R. Celoni, California
A Drop in the Ocean - Laura Peredo
Drowning in Sapphire Love - Sapphire Swimmer
Dulce Domum - Jill
Dwelling in Tol Galen
Dymphna's Road - Dymphna, Virginia
Dyno-Mom - Melissa Naasko
Dyspeptic Mutterings - Dale Price
East Texas Catholic - Diocese of Beaumont, Texas
Eastern Christian Books - Dr. Adam DeVille, Indiana
eCatechist - Dan Pierson, Michigan
Ecce Fiat - Ecce Fiat
Ecce Verbum - Christopher, Wales
Ecce Veritas [Podcast] - Fr. Paul Weinberger, Texas
Echad Vuestras Redes - Luis Javier Moxó Soto
Echoes - Boston Pilot Group, Massachusetts
Echoes from the Bell Tower - St. Meinrad Seminary, Indiana
Eco Catholic - Cindy Wooden
Edinburgh Housewife - Seraphic Spouse, Scotland
Edward Feser - Edward Feser, California
Edward Pentin - Edward Pentin
EFPastorEmeritus2 - Fr. Eamon F. Whelan
Egregious Twaddle - Joanne K. McPortland
Electric Prayer
Elisa Loves - Elisa
ElizabethEsther - Elizabeth Esther
Elsas Nacht(b)revier - Elsalaska
Embajador en el Infierno
En Pocas Palabras - Bishop Daniel E. Flores, Texas
Encounters - Bishop Pat Alo, Philippines
Encourage & Teach - Diocese of Arlington, Virginia
An Encouraging Word - Fr. J. Ronald Knott, Kentucky
Engaged Marriage - Dustin
Engaging Faith - Group
Enlarging the Heart - Mark Armitage
Eparchy of Newton - Melkite Greek Catholic Church
Epiphanies of Beauty - Christine
Equipping Catholic Families - Monica
Erie Benedictines for Peace - Erie Benedictines, Pennsylvania
Erin's Blog - Erin, Florida
Erring on the Side of Love (formerly Joy in Our Hearts)
The Escape - Andrea
Escuela y Familia Católica
Espada Catolica - Hector Cruzado
Esperando Nacer - Hernan J. Gonzalez, Argentina
Essays in Idleness - David Warren
Esta es Nuestra Casa
Esther Locascio - Esther Locascio, Texas
Et Incarnatus Est - Prior Peter, OSB, Illinois (formerly Prior's Blog)
Et Nunc - jos.m.betle
Et Verbum - et-verbum
The Eternal Journey - Deacon Bob Bonomi, Texas
Etheldredasplace - Supertradmum
La Eucaristía y los Jóvenes - P. Álvaro Sánchez Rueda, Argentina
Eucharist Always - Lena
Eve Tushnet - Eve Tushnet, Washington D. C.
Everlasting Encouragement - Kimberly
Every Day is a Gift - Monica
Every Home a Monastery - Jessica & Manny
Everyday Catholic
Everyday Catholicism - Dennis Gaudet
Everyday Faith Live! [Video] - Telecare
Everyday for Life Canada - Lou Iacobelli, Canada
Everything Esteban - Esteban
Ex Libris Theologicis - Loome Theological Booksellers, Minnesota
Ex Umbris et Imaginibus - Fr. John Hogan, Ireland
Express Blog - Sisters of Notre Dame, Ohio
Eye of the Tiber - Group
Eyes of Faith - Fr. Larry Gearhart, Ohio
Eyes on Heaven - Ellen
Face Forward Columbus Blog
Faint Hue of Grace - Allison
Faith and Fabric - Jen
Faith and Justice - Fr. Thomas J. Reese, SJ
Faith and Peanut Butter - Eunice and Becca
Faith and Poetry - Michael Ogundele
Faith at a Glance - T. Ann, Oregon
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke - Cale Clarke
A Faith-Full Life - Adam N. Crawford, California
A Faith-Full Life [Podcast] - Adam N. Crawford, California
Faith in Action Blog - Thomas Aquinas College, California
Faith in Our Families
Faith Meets World - Barry Hudock, Minnesota
Faith on the Couch - Gregory Popcak
Faith on the Ferry - St. Francis Parish, Washington
Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust - Tara
FaithArts - Brendan O'Regan, Ireland
The Faithful Traveller - Diana von Glahn
Faithfulness and Love - Fr. Andrew Kool, Malaysia
Familia Católica - Xhonane, Pennsylvania
La Familia, Lugar de Fiesta - Laura, Argentina
Familia, Vida y Libertad - Francisco Javier Alba Gomez de Zamora
Family at the Foot of the Cross - Tiffany, California
Family in Feast and Feria - Jennifer G. Miller
Family Formation - Sue Klejeski
Family Soul Story -- Choose Life! - Family Soul Story, Minnesota
Far Greater Things - Far Greater Things
Farmish Momma - Tricia
Father Acervo's Corner - Fr. Lee Acervo, Michigan
Father Anthony Ho - Fr. Anthony Ho, Canada
Father Bob's Reflections - Fr. Bob
Father Brian Van Hove's Blog - Fr. Brian Van Hove, SJ
Father Carlson's Blog - Fr. Carlson, Minnesota
Father Christian Homilies [Podcast] - Fr. Jason Christian, North Carolina
Father Christopher Zugger - Fr. Christopher Zugger
Father Don's Vocation Blog - Fr. Don, OFM
Father Dylan's Sermons - Fr. Dylan James, England
Father Ed's Blog - Fr. Ed, UK
Father Francis Maple, OFM Cap - Fr. Francis Maple, OFM Cap
Father James: Pastor and Author - Fr. James Farfaglia, Texas
Father Jason Worthley - Fr. Jason Worthley, Massachusetts
Father Jerabek's Blog - Fr. B. Jerabek, Italy
Father Jerzey's Road to Sainthood - Paul Hensler & Charles Johnston
Father Jim Chern's Blog - Fr. Jim Chern, New Jersey
Father Julian's Blog - Fr. Julian, Oregon
Father Kenneth Myers - Fr. Kenneth Myers, Pennsylvania
Father Lasch - Fr. Kenneth E. Lasch
Father Leo Blog
Father Matt's Sonshine - Fr. Matt Kawiak, New York
Father Mike's Podcast - Fr. Mike Walker, Oregon
Father My Father
Father Paul Nicholson - Fr. Paul Nicholson
Father Ray's 'Other' Corner - Fr. Ray Suriani
Father Richmond's Reflections - Fr. Fichmond Dzekoe, Iowa
Father Ryan Higdon - Fr. Ryan Higdon, Texas
Father Scott Hurd's Homilies - Fr. Scott Hurd, Maryland
Father Serra's Legacy - Dale
Father Souza's Blog - Fr. Gerald Souza, Massachusetts
Father Sullivan - Fr. Thomas Sullivan, Florida
Father Tom Elliott - Fr. Tom Elliott, Arkansas
Father, Where Art Thou? - Fr. Michael Duffy, New York
Father Winslow Homilies [Podcast] - Fr. Patrick Winslow, North Carolina
FatherRosado.Com - Fr. Adaly Rosado
Fathers of Mercy - Fathers of Mercy, Kentucky
FatherYoung.com - Fr. Geoffrey Young, Canada
FCJ Sisters' Blog - Lynne, FCJ
FDZ Vocations - Daughters of Divine Zeal
Fear Not Little Flock - Priest's Wife
Felix Caeli Portai - Jeffrey Allen, Maryland (formerly Ad Ostivm Tabernacvli)
The Feminine Gift - Group
Feminism: The Catholic F Word - Christine Falk Dalessio
Fermenti Cattolici Vivi
Fertile Soil - H.P. Bianchi
A Few Beads Short... - Stephanie Engelman
Fiat Voluntas Tua: Kristen's Blog - Kristen
FideCogitActio - Elliot Bougis, Taiwan
The Fifth Column - Steve Kellmeyer
Fifth of Five - MamaRoc, Pennsylvania
Filia Ecclesiae - Filia Ecclesiae
The Filioque Clause - Itf2007 (formerly Qui Ex Patre Filoque Procedit)
Finding Former Glory - Emily, New York
Finding God in the Everyday [Podcast] - Colleen Spiro
Finding Great Joy - Cynthia, Colorado
Finding Pasture - Rebecca
Finding Phoebe in the Ordinary Day - Carolyn
Fine Linen and Purple - Group
Finer Feminity - Leane VanderPutten
Finer Than a Frog's Hair - Group, Tennessee (formerly Vandy Catholic)
Fire on the Earth [Podcast] - Peter Herbeck
Fire, Salt, and Light - Arthur Joseph, Canada
First Heralds - Kim
First Thoughts - Group
The Fisk Files - Britt Fisk
The Five Beasts - Reid Turner
Flare of Light - Amber, California
Flectamus Genua - Cassandra Poppe
Flowers for Francis - Lynda
Flying Catholic - Jesse Foote
Focus - Fellowship of Catholic University Students
Follow and Believe - Morgan, Illinois
A Follower of Francis - Lee Strong
La Fontana del Villaggio
Food for Faith - Fr. John O'Connor, New Zealand
Food for the Journey [Podcast] - Sr. Ann Shields
Foolishness to the World
Footprints on the Journey - Juliann DosSantos, New York
For Christ and the Church - Fr. Christopher Roberts, Indiana
For His Friends - Bishop Robert Lynch, Florida
For Love of Cupcakes & a Tootsie Roll - Jamie
For My Flesh is True Food - Tim
For Such a Time as This - Esther Rich, UK
A Foretaste of Wisdom - The Maestro
Forever, For Always, No Matter What - Jen
Forgotten Truths - Words to Challenge, Inspire and Instruct - Michael Seagriff
Forma Fidei - Jane Dudley, Virginia
Found Human [Podcast] - Immaculate Conception Church, Virginnia
Fountain of Elias - Elena Maria Vidal, Pennsylvania
Fountains of Carrots [Podcast] - Christy Isinger & Haley Stewart
Fountains of Home - Christy
Four Blessings Academy - Maria, Ohio
The Four Last Things - Paulcoholic
Fr. Alexander Lucie-Smith: Catholic Herald - Fr. Alexander Lucie-Smith, UK
Fr. Andrew McAlpin's Blog - Fr. Andrew McAlpin, OP
Fr. Ben's Biblical Blog - Fr. Ben Hadrich, Minnesota
Fr. Bresowar's Homilies - Fr. Bresowar
Fr. Broom's Blog - Fr. Ed Broom, OMV
Fr. Burke Masters - Fr. Burke Masters, Illinois
Fr. Carmen Mele, Dominican Preacher - Fr. Carmen Mele, Texas
Fr. Chuck's Blog - Fr. Charles R. Kullmann, CSP, Texas
Fr. Dennis at the Movies - Fr. Dennis Kriz, OSM, Illinois
Fr. Gabriel Burke - Fr. Gabriel Burke, CC, Ireland
Fr. Herb Weber - Fr. Herb Weber, Ohio
Fr. Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment - Fr. John Hunwicke
Fr. Jack, SJ,MD - Fr. Jack, SJ
Fr. JC Maximilian's Homilies & Spiritual Reflections - Fr. JC Maximilian, New Jersey
Fr. Joseph Illo's Blog - Fr. Joseph Illo, California (formerly Pastor's Laptop)
Fr. Mark Toups - Fr. Mark Toups, Louisiana
Fr. Martin Flatman's Blog - Fr. Martin Flatman, UK
Fr. MD's Kitchen Table - Fr. MD
Fr. Michael J. Denk - Fr. Michael J. Denk, Ohio
Fr. Peter's Blog - Fr. Peter Weatherby, UK
Fr. Ray Blake's Blog - Fr. Ray Blake, UK (formerly St. Mary Magdalen, Brighton, UK)
Fr. Rick Martignetti, OFM - Fr. Rick Martignetti, OFM, Massachusetts
Fr. Victor Brown's Catholic Daily Message - Fr. Victor Brown
Fr. Wayne's Blog - Fr. Wayne Ball, Virginia
Fr. Z's Blog - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (formerly What Does the Prayer Really Say?)
The Francis Chronicles - Group
Francis Phillips: Catholic Herald - Francis Phillips, UK
Franciscan - Fr. Bill, OFM, New York
Franciscan Community Volunteers - Franciscan Community Volunteers
Franciscan Flowers - Sr. La Donna Pinkelman, Ohio
Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land - Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land
The Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province - Franciscan Friars, New York
Franciscan Life - Sr. Ann Marie, Pennsylvania
Franciscan Mission Service
Franciscan Outreach Volunteers - Franciscan Outreach Volunteers, Illinois
Franciscan Quote of the Day - Lee Potts
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity - Group
Franciscan Spiritual Center Blog - Franciscan Spiritual Center, Pennsylvania
Franciscan Vocation Ministry - Franciscans of the Holy Name Province, New York
FranciscanMom - Barb Szyszkiewicz (formerly SFO Mom)
Franciscans of the Eucharist - Sr. Alicia, Illinois
Francisco Nuestro Papa - Ludmila Hribar, Argentina
Freedom Through Truth - Michael Brandon
Frei Francisco - Frei Francisco, Brazil
Friarmusings - Fr. George Corrigan, OFM
A Friar's Life - Fr. Tom Washburn, OFM, Connecticut
Friends of Divine - Fr. Augustine Vallooran, VC
Friends with Christ - Fr. Richard Aladics & Fr. Julian Green, UK
Frischer Wind - Frischer Wind
From Empty Hands - Fr. Joe, New York
From Marbury's Hilltop - St. Jude Monastery, Alabama
From My Side of the Altar - Fr. Timothy Mockaitis, Oregon
From Rome
From Season to Season - Silas Henderson, California
From St. Anthony's Walnut Tree - Jonathan Jones, SFO, Massachusetts
From the Field of Blue Children - Cathy Adamkiewicz
From the Friars - CFR Blog - Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
From the Heart - Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart
From the Pen of Papa John - Fr. John Barry, Maryland
From the Pulpit of her Life - Ruth Ann, California (formerly According to Ruth Ann)
From the Tiber to the James - Virginia Catholic Conference, Virginia
From Vow 'til Now - Dennis and Mary Jo Weiss, New York
Frrobgalea.com - Fr. Rob Galea, Australia
The Fruitful Mama - Jaime
Fully Christian - Shane Schaetzel (formerly Catholic in the Ozarks)
Fumbling Toward Grace - Spilsz08
The Future of Charity - Sisters of Charity
Galactic Catholic Universe - Sarah
Gateshead Revisited - Fr. Michael Brown, UK (formerly Forest Murmurs)
Gathering Graces - Janice
Geek Priest [Podcast] - Fr. Roderick Vonhögen
Generation X - Jennifer, Oklahoma
Generations for Life - Group
Genio Femminile - Genio Femminile, Italy
Gentle Reign - Rory Cooney, Illinois
Genuflected - Jenni
The Georgia Bulletin Blog
Gerry Straub's Blog - Gerry Straub
Getting to the Point - Fr. Denis Lemieux, Canada (fomerly Ten Thousand Places)
GI Kids - Carol Kennedy, Scotland
Gifts Received, Gifts Given - Fr. Frank D. Almade, Pennsylvania
Gigionsea the Water Is Wide - Gigi, UK
Giovani Frati - Frati Minori Conventuali, Italy
Giuliano Guzzo - Giuliano Guzzo, Italy
The GK Chesterton Society of Ireland - Irish Chesterton Society
Gloria in Excelsis Deo - Chris & Katherine Lauer, North Carolina
Gloria in Excelsis Deo - Davie Clark, Australia
Gloria Olivae - Fr. Odon de Castro, Philippines
G-Mans Journey - gman59, Canada
Go Forward Make Noise - John Bender, Wisconsin
God and the Machine - Thomas L. McDonald
God-Haunted Lunatic - Rick Becker
God in All Things - Group
God in All Things [Podcast] - Group
God Is at Work in You - Michele Bondi Bottesi
God Is in the Clouds - Patti Murphy Dohn, Maryland
God's Canvas - Snowbabies
God's Word to Us - Fr. Dominic Canh Tran, SDB
Godversations - Karen Pullano
Godzdogz - English Dominican Studentate
The Good Brother - The Good Brother
The Good Fight [Podcast] - Barbara McGuigan
A Good Measure - Lisa Hendey
Good News for the Digital Pews - San Bernardino Diocese, California
The Good News Note - Friar Jude and Mark
Good Saints - Jeremy, Michigan
A Good Story Is Hard to Find [Podcast] - Julie Davis and Scott D. Danielson
Good Things Radio [Podcast] - Brooke Taylor & Jennifer Willits
The Good Word - America Magazine
Googling God - Mike Hayes, New York
The Gospel Truth - Bill Borst
Gotta Sing, Gotta Pray - Jerry Galipeau, Illinois
The GR Blog - Goodness Reigns
Grace Before Meals
Grace-Filled Days - Felician Franciscan Sisters
Grace of Adoption - Mike and Mary Beth, Illinois
Grace on the Margins - Jamie L. Manson, New York
Grace Pending - Tom Zampino
Grace to Paint - Sr. Maresa Lilley, SND, Ohio
Graciete - Graciete
Gray Matters - Lightning Rod, Virginia
The Great Adventure - Group
The Gregorian Blog - The Gregorian Institute, Kansas
Gregorian Rants - Greg
Grow in Virtue - Alan Scott
Growing with My Girls - Erin, Georgia
The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma - Group
Gustave Thibon - Gustave Thibon
Habitually Speaking - Sr. Monica, Wisconsin
The Hahn Family Blog - James M. Hahn, Ohio (formerly Real Life Rosary Weblog)
Half a Dozen and More Productions - Maurisa
Half Full of Grace - Chella
Half India/Half Indiana - Anne, Indiana
Hallie Lord - Hallie Lord (formerly Moxie Wife)
Hand-Maid with Love
Hand Me Down Heaven - Julie Cragon, Tennessee
Handing on the Faith - Maureen McKew, New York
A Handmaid of the Handmaid - CKFR
Happily Ever After Blog - Josh & Stacey
Happily Ever Johnson - Queen B, North Carolina
Happy Catholic - Julie D, Texas
Happy Catholic's Bookshelf
The Happy Life and Times of Simple Me - Jenny Goeppner
Happy Little Homemaker - Jennifer Steed
Happy Saints - Victor Teh
Happymomonline.com - Heather
Harrington Harmonies - Stephanie & Brian Harrington
The Harry Family - Andrew & Cecilia, Nebraska
Hartford Catholic Biblical School
Harvesting Home
Harvesting the Fruits of Contemplation - Michael Seagriff, New York
Having Left the Altar - Katherine
Healthy Catholics - Kathleen P. Hockey
Healthy Marriage Links and Clips - Bill Coffin
Hearing God's Whisper - Sheri Dursin, Connecticut
Hearing the Word - Patrick Reid, Rhode Island
Heart for God - David L. Hall, Pennsylvania
Heart for God - Kathryn
Heart of Mary Women's Fellowship - Group
The Heart of Things - Bill Donaghy
Hearts Afire - Maegan, Californnia
The Heart's Overflow - Anna
Heather King - Heather King, California (formerly Shirt of Flame)
Heavenly Aspirations - Aspirer
Heaven's in Your Corner (formerly Offering It Up)
Held By His Pierced Hands - Meg Hunter-Kilmer
Hell Burns - Sr. Helena Burns, Chicago
Here I Am O Lord - Myra D'Souza, Kuwait
Here I Am, the Handmaid of the Lord - Natalie G., Ohio
Hermano Juancito - John Donaghy, Honduras
The Hermeneutic of Continuity - Fr. Tim Finigan, England
Heroic Moments - Lisa, Illinois
Hesiquia - Heqiquia
The Hill Country Hermit - Theresa Doyle-Nelson, Texas
His True Image
His Unending Love
His Will, My Peace - Andrea (formerly Running with Perseverance)
Ho Kai Paulos - Joe
Holey Heart
Holloway Family North - Jared and Ruth Anne, Rhode Island
Holy Card Heaven
Holy Cross Family of Green Bay, Wisconsin - Holy Cross Staff, Wisconsin
Holy Cross Vocations (formerly Spes Unica)
A Holy Experience - Ann Voskamp
The Holy Face - Ann Chapin, Virginia
Holy Family Institute - Shadowlight
Holy Hope Blog - Judy Landrieu Klein
The Holy Irritant - Tony Robertson, Australia
The Holy Ones
Holy Smack - Evan Pham
Holy Vocations - Group
Homegrown Catholics - Melissa, Minnesota
Homeschool Goodies: Resources for Catholic Homeschoolers
Homeschooling with Joy - Laura
Homiletic & Pastoral Review
Homiletic Diakonia - Deacon Frederick (Fritz) Bauerschmidt, Maryland
Homilias de Federico Brehm, SJ - Fr. Federico Brehm, SJ, Mexico
Homilies and Occasional Thoughts - Msgr. Gregory Smith, Canada
Homilies of Father Matt Pennington [Podcast] - Fr. Matt Pennington
Homilies of Father Paul Yi - Fr. Paul Yi, Louisiana
Homily Archive - Fr. Mike Schmitz, Minnesota
An Honour and a Responsibility - Dorothy
Hope and Life Press - Commentary - Hope and Life Press
Hope-Full Signs - Sr. Judith, New Jersey
House of Brungardt - House of Brungardt, Kansas
House of Joyful Noise - The Richard Family (formerly Our House of Joyful Noise)
The House of Many Graces - StJosephwannabe, Kentucky
House of Nine; Home of Love - Shelly
House Unseen, Life Unscripted - Dwija
Household Diary - Faith
Housewifespice - Jessica, Illinois
How to Be a Mystic - Maggiegeene
Human Exceptionalism - Wesley J. Smith (formerly Secondhand Smoke)
Humble Handmaid - Erin, Texas
A Humble Servant's Catholic Blog - Dave
Humblebee Home - Eva
Humblepiety - Pathound, UK
Humility Rules - Fr. Augustine Wetta (formerly BenedicTEEN)
I Came That They Might Have Life - Tyler Tenbarge, Indiana (formerly Searching for Life)
I Have to Sit Down - Simcha Fisher
I Heart My Life: A Working Mother's Soapbox - Ada, Louisiana
I Know the Words I Need to Say - Joe Potillor
I Przestan Byc Niedowiarkiem, A Badz Wierzacym Teologia Kosciola Katolickiego - Teologia3
I Want to See God - Littlesoul2
I Wonder Why
Iamthird - Mike Landry
iBenedictines - Digitalnun, UK (formerly Colophon: A Monastery Blog)
Idle Speculations
Iglesia Descalza - Rebel Girl
Iglesia y Nueva Evangelización
The Ignatian Educator - Matt Emerson
Ignatian Reflections - Magis Center for Catholic Spirituality, California
Ignatian Solidarity Network: Voices for Justice - Group
Ignatian Spirituality: Set the World Ablaze - Fr. John Predmore, SJ, Maine
igNation - Jesuits, Canada
Ignatius Insight Scoop - Ignatius Press
Ignatius Press Novels Blog - Ignatius Press
Ignitum Today - Group
Immaculate Heart Coloring Pages - Weeda
Immaculate Heart Radio
Immersed in Christ - Fr. David M. Knight
Impacting Culture Blog - Group
Imperfectly Living a Dream - Marcia
The Impractical Catholic - Anthony S. Layne, Texas
Imprisoned in My Bones - Anne, Wisconsin
In All Things - America Magazine
In and Out of the Ditch - Matthew Heinrich, Illinois
In Caelo et in Terra - Mark de Vries, Netherlands
In Defense of the Church - Catholic Defender
In Domino Spera!
In Endless Song - Elise
In God's Company Too -Edward Sousa, Rhode Island (formerly Ed's Place)
In Him Alone - Richard Maffeo (formerly The Contemplative Catholic Convert)
In Mr. McGregor's Garden
In My Father's Vineyard - Dana
In My Shoes - Penny, California
In Other Words - Mitchell and Judith Hadley (formerly Our Word and Welcome to It)
In the Hands of the Potter - Sisters of Notre Dame
In the Heart of My Home (formerly Real Learning)
In the Light of the Law: A Canon Lawyer's Blog - Dr. Edward N. Peters
In the Shadow of His Wings - Passionist Nuns, Kentucky
In the Sheepfold - Kelly Dolin
In Their Footsteps - Tekton Ministries
Inadequate Disciple - Colleen
Incontro all'infinito - Incontro alla luce Luce, Italy
Independent Catholic News
Inebriate Me - Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
Informed Catholic Voter - Donna Sauer
InForum Blog - Sheila Liaugminas
IngridAiram - Ingrid Airam, Netherlands
The Inn at the End of the World - John Cahill, California
Inside EWTN - Michelle Laque Johnson
Insieme Per... - Luigi Bazzani
Inspirations - Nuns of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery, Alabama
Inspired Angela - Angela Santana, Texas (formerly Catholic Media Girl)
The Integrated Catholic Life - Group
The Intelligent Catholic's Guide - Group
Intentional Disciples - Sherry Weddell
Into Stillness - Joann Nelander
Into the Deep - Marianists of Meribah, New York
Invisible Woman - Nicole DeMille
iPadre Catholic Audio & Video Podcasts
The Ipps - Alex & Megan
Irish Papist - Maolsheachlann, Ireland
Is Anybody There? - Allen J. Troupe, Iowa
Is My Phylactery Showing? - Deacon Bill Burns, Idaho
Isaiah 55:8-9 - Isaiah 55:8-9
Island Life - in a Monastery - Mother Hildegard, Washington
It Makes Sense to Me - Larry Peterson
It's All Straw - Niall Mor
It's On My To-Do List - Delena, Missouri
It's the Baum.com - Emily
Ivy Rosary - Joe Zimmerman, Illinois
Jackie & Bobby - Jackie & Bobby
Jackie Parkes
Jane the Actuary - Jane
Jared Dees - Jared Dees
Jeff & Emily Cavins - Jeff & Emily Cavins, Minnesota
Jen X - Jennifer
Jenna at the Finca - Jenna, Honduras
Jen's Pen - Jennifer Merkel, Maryland
Jesuit Centre of Spirituality - Fr. Jean-Marc Laporte, SJ, Canada
The Jesuit Post: Brendan Busse, SJ - Brendan Busse, SJ, Illinois
The Jesuit Post: Eric Immel, SJ - Eric Immel, SJ, Illinois
The Jesuit Post: Garrett Gundlach, SJ - Garrett Gundlach, SJ
The Jesuit Post: Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ - Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ, Massachusetts
The Jesuit Post on Patheos - Jesuit Group
A Jesuit's Blog - Fr. Errol Fernandes, SJ, India
A Jesuit's Jottings - Fr. Rick Malloy, SJ, Pennsylvania
Jesuits' News
Jesus Caritas Est - Jesuscaritasest
Jesus' Gentle Touch - St. Raphael the Archangel
Jesús Vive en la Casa de al Lado
Jimmy Akin - Jimmy Akin
JimmyAkin.org - Jimmy Akin
Joan Desmond - Joan Desmond
Jobo72’s Weblog - Jobo72
Joe Catholic - Group
John Predmore: To the Frontiers - Fr. John Predmore, SJ, Massachusetts
John Thavis - John Thavis
JonathanFSullivan.com - Jonathan F. Sullivan, Illinois
Joseph S. O'Leary Homepage - Joseph S. O'Leary, Japan
Journal of a Country Priest
Journal of a Nobody - Kasclar, Kentucky
Journey - Liz
The Journey: A Catholic Perspective of Life's Journey
The Journey of a Bishop - Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, Canada
Journey of a Catholic Nerd Writer - Miss CNW
Journey of a Homeschooling Family
A Journey of Catholic Spirituality and Faith - Jean M. Lee, Arizona
Journey Thoughts - Fr. Len Stoviak, Pennsylvania
Journey to Wisdom - Group
Uma Jovem Católica - Marisa, Portugal
JOY Alive in Our Hearts - Nancy H.C. Ward
Joy Beyond the Cross - Joy Beyond the Cross, Minnesota
Joy Complete - Joy
Joy in the Morning - Joy
Joy of Nine9
The Joy of Penance - Janet Klasson
The Joyful Catholic - Armiger Jagoe
A Joyful Duty - Caitlin
A Joyful Life - Mar
Juan Pablo II, Maestro, Padre, Pastor, Amigo - Ljudmila
Julian's Voice - Veronica Mary Rolf
Jumping in Puddles - Jen
Junjun Faithbook - Fr. Junjun, Australia
Just a Brother - JAB, OFMCap, Italy
Just a Catholic - Shane Kapler
Just a Catholic Dad [Podcast]
Just Another Day in Paradise - MusingMom6
Just Between Us - Entropy (formerly Sphere of Influence)
Just Catholic - Phyllis Zagano
Just Like Mary - Nicole, Ohio
Just Shine On - Alexis Grace
Just Think of Lovely Things
The Just Third Way - Michael D. Greaney and Norm Kurland
Just Thomism
Justin's Corner - Justin Soutar
Kairòs - Vito Luigi Valente
Kalakbay at Katoto - Fr. Vitaliano Chito Dimaranan, SDB, Philippines
Kaldu.org - Chaldean Catholic Diocese of St. Peter the Apostle
Kansas City Province, Missionaries of the Precious Blood - Missionaries of the Precious Blood
Kansas Monks - Monks of St. Benedict's Abbey, Kansas
Karen Edmisten - Karen Edmisten
Karen's Adventures in Mommyland - Karen, New Jersey
Kate O'Hare's Pax Culturati - Kate O'Hare
Kate Wicker - Kate Wicker (formerly Momopoly)
Katholisch in Südtzussland
Keeping the Faith - Angela Pea
Keeping Up with the Mikes - Laura Mike, Michigan
The Kennedy Adventures! - Dianna
Kevin Wojo's Blog - Kevin
Kino Border Initiative Blog - Kino Border Initiative, Arizona
Kissing the Leper - Elise
The Kitchen Table Catholic - Kitchentablecatholic
Kitchen Table Chats - Denise Hunnell, Virginia (formerly Catholic Matriarch in My Domestic Church)
Kitchener Waterloo Traditional Catholic
Kiwicath News and Notes
K-Lo @ Large - Kathryn Lopez
Kneeling Catholic - Kneeling Catholic, Texas
Knight of the White Cross - Cavaliere, Minnesota
Knights of Columbus Latin Mass - Knights of Columbus 2161, Pennsylvania
Knit and Pray - Lana, Missouri
A Knotted Life (formerly Learning to be a Newlywed) - Bonnie
Koala Bear Writer - Bonnie Way, Canada
Korrektiv - Group
Kresta in the Afternoon - Al Kresta
La Dolce Vita - Bia, Georgia
La Nouvelle Théologie - David Jones, Missouri
La Salette Journey - Paul Melanson, New Hampshire
The Lady in the Pew - Kelly Clark, Massachusetts
Lamentably Sane - Beefy Levinson, California
Laodicea - Group, Scotland
Latin Mass News and Updates for the State of Georgia - Una Voce Georgia
Latin Mass of Los Angeles - Charles Coulombe
The Latin Mass Society RC Diocese of Middlesbrough - Group
Laudet Dominum [Podcast] - Fr. Cory Sticha, Montana (formerly Omne Quod Spirat, Laudet Dominum!)
Laughter and Humility - Mike, Kentucky
Laura McAlister - Laura McAlister (formerly Catholic Cravings)
Layers - A Catholic Mom's Musings - Mary Ann, Illinois
LCM Blog - Little Company of Mary, Ireland
Learning to be Quick to Listen - Quick Listener, Louisiana
Lectionary Study Aids - Matthew Hazell, UK
Left Footer - Left-Footer, Poland
Leon J. Podles :: Dialogue - Leon J. Podles
Léonie Martin - Leonie Martin
Leonie's Longing - Leonie
Les Femmes - The Truth - Mary Ann Kreitzer, Virginia
L'Espresso Blog - Sandro Magister, Italy
Lest I Forget - Jenny, Virginia
Let Nothing You Dismay - Fr. Michael Gollop, SSC, UK
Let the Little Ones Come to Me - Myra D'Souza, Kuwait
Let the Welkin Ring - The Welkin, UK
Let Us Walk Together: Thoughts of a Catholic Bishop - Bishop Chris Coyne, Indiana
Leticia Ochoa Adams - Leticia (formerly The Ramblings of a Crazy Face)
Letlovebesincere - Letlovebesincere, Michigan
Lex Communis - Peter Sean Bradley, California
Lex Orandi
Lianna - Lianna
Libertà e Persona - Associazione Libertà e Persona
Liefde en Trouw aan de Kerk - Liefde en Trouw aan de Kerk, Netherlands
Life - Beryl Baterina
The Life and Times - Kelly, SSJ, Pennsylvania
Life at the Convent - Sr. Mary Lou, Minnesota
Life at the Frontier - Joe
Life Doesn't Get Much Better Than This - Lifisgreat11
The Life I Need - Catherine (formerly Hallelujah Is My Song)
Life in a Small Town - Mary Cooper, Tennessee
Life in Every Limb - Lesliesholly
Life is a Prayer.com - Jeff Geerling, Missouri (formerly Matthew 12:37)
Life is an Open Book Test
Life is Beautiful - Laura, Ohio
Life, Literature, & Coffee - Mariella Hunt
Life, Love & Sacred Art - Aleesa
Life of a Catholic Librarian - Tiffany, New York
Life of a Photographer
Life Path of Love - Maria Victoria
The Life Pursuit - Kellie, Wisconsin
Life Teen Blog - Life Teen
LifeLines - DeaconGH, Florida
Life's Private Book - David T., Massachusetts
Life's Tiny Graces
Light and Momentary - Jamie
Light through Stained-Glass Windows - Susan Doubet, OSB
The Lighthouse - Tess
Lightly Salted - Peter
Like a Piazza - Maryann, West Virginia
Like Mother, Like Daughter - Group
Lindsay Loves - Lindsay, Texas (formerly Contrariwise)
The Lioness
Lisa Graas, Passionist - Lisa Graas
Lisa Hendey - Lisa Hendey
Listen, My Son - Conception Abbey, Missouri
Literature & Angels - Paul Forgette, Virginia
Little Catholic Bubble - Leila
Little Company of Mary, Irish Province - Little Company of Mary, Ireland
Little Design - Group (formerly CSJ on Mission)
Little Flower's Crown of Roses - Lindy
Little House in Chicago - Tess Barber, Illinois
Little Moments - Little Moments
Little Steps Along the Way - Amanda Rose
Little Steps Home - Amber
Liturgia Latina - Davidforster, UK
Liturgia Opus Trinitas - Matias Augé
Liturgiae Causa - Patricius, UK (formerly Singulare Ingenium)
Liturgical Year Blog - Jennifer Gregory Miller
Liturgy & Catechesis Shall Kiss - Joyce Donahue, Illinois
Liturgy Corner - Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Australia (formerly Liturgy Links)
Liturgy Guy - Brian Williams
Liturgy Reflections -Fr. Jan Larson, Washington
Livin' la Vida Catolica! - Jennifer Brannon, Arizona
Living Adventurously - Emily
Living God's Will - Prayerfuljourney, Illinois
Living in the Two Hearts - Anne Elizabeth
Living Justly - Sr. Kathleen Ryan, SND, Ohio
A Living Monstrance - Jerome
Living Sacrifice - Fr. Christopher M. Mahar (formerly Fr. Mahar Online)
Living Scripture - Livingscripture
Living the Faith on a High Wire - Carlos Espinosa, Florida
Living the Tradition: A Benedictine Blog - Sr. Lynn Elisabeth Meadows, OSB, Alabama
Living the Zeal of Benedict - Marilyn Schauble, OSB, Pennsylvania
Living with Lady Philosophy - Susanna, Minnesota
LMS Chairman - Joseph Shaw, UK
Logos- Oswald Sobrino, Michigan (formerly Catholic Analysis)
The Lonely Pilgrim - Joseph Richardson
Long-Skirts - Long-Skirts, Missouri
Longbows and Rosary Beads - Pearl of Tyburn, Maryland
Look to Him and Be Radiant - Katie Anne, Illinois
Lop Notes - Tom Lopatosky
Lord, If You Will (Sundays and Holy Days) - Fr. Brian
Lord, Make Me a Saint - Jamie, Minnesota
Lorenzo Mussuto - Lorenzo Mussuto, Italy
The Lost Coin - Marc Manera
Lost in the Laundry Pile - Cheryl
Louie, Louie - Beth
Love Alone Creates
Love and Be Loved - Amy Secrist, Ohio
Love in the Ruins - Bad Catholic, Georgia
Love Is Calling - Robert Batch, Ohio
The Love that Moves the Sun - Antonia, UK
Loves Dogs and the Rosary - Deborah Durbin, Ohio
Lucas Cambrensis - Luke O'Sullivan, Wales
Lucky as Sunshine
Luke Coppen: Catholic Herald - Luke Coppen, UK
Luke1128.org [Podcast]
Lux Vera - Fr. David Thoroughgood, Australia
A la Luz de la Palabra
M3 Squared - David Heath, Kansas
The Mac and Cheese Chronicles - Lorri
The Mad-Eyed Monk - Cynthia Scodova
Madre de la Divina Gracia - P. Álvaro Sánchez Rueda, Argentina
La Madre della Chiesa
Magnificat Anima Mea Domino - Fr. Samuel Medley, SOLT
Mags Blackie - Margaret Blackie
Maior autem his est caritas - Fr. Gashwin Gomes, Georgia
Making a Difference - Tony Magliano
Making Catholic Traditions Modern - Amy Loomis
Mallinista - Mallinista
Mama Creates - Heather
Mama Holi - MamaHoli, Illinois
Mama Jules - Julia, Texas
Mama Needs Coffee - Jenny, Colorado
Mama of the Brides - Practicing Mammal
Man Bites Blog - John McG, Missouri
Man Fully Alive - John Rogers & Taryn Yantes
Man with Black Hat - David Alexander, Washington D.C.
Manresa Amigos - Jesuit Novitiate, UK
Manu's Musings - Manu Michael, SDB
The Marco Minute - Marco Crincoli
Marc's View on Stuff - Marc, Missouri
Margaret Felice (formerly Felice Mi Fa)
Margaret Mary Myers - Margaret Mary Myers, Maryland
Margaret Reveira's Blog
Marge Fenelon - Marge Fenelon
Marginal Musings - Tina Beattie
Marian Ronan - Marian Ronan, New York
Mark Mallett - Mark Mallett
Mark Shea - Mark Shea, Washington
Marquette Warrior - John McAdams, Wisconsin
Marriage and Medicine - Monica
Marta, Julie e Maria - Julie
Martin Family Moments - Colleen
Martin Family on Mission - Martin Family
Mary Devotions - Barbara
Mary Grace Holmes - Angela Holmes
Mary Meets Dolly - Rebecca Taylor
Mary, Mother of the Church - Mary, Mother of the Church Parish, Wisconsin
Mary, Our Mother - Group
Mary Victrix
Mary's Dowry Productions - Mary's Dowry Productions, UK
Más de Cerca - Fr. Fernando Prado Ayuso, Spain
MAS Journalism - Group at Mt. Angel Seminary, Oregon
Mast Appeal [Podcast] - Coleen Kelly Mast
The Master Beadsman - Phillip Rolfes, Ohio
The Matador Word: Graced Moments - Fr. Edward Estok, Ohio
Matt Fradd - Matt Fradd, California
Matthew Archbold - Matthew Archbold
Maude's Tavern - Thomas (formerly Just a Catholic Country Boy)
Mayslake Blog - Mayslake Ministries, Illinois
McSisters - Group
#Meant2Dad - RJ
The Measuring Mama - Rebecca
Medical Matins - Medical Matins
Meditations from Carmel
La Meditazione di Cristo - Raggio Di Luce, Italy
The Medjugorje Message - Pilgrim
Medjugorje Miracles - Christine Watkins
Medley Minute with Fr. Sam - Fr. Samuel Medley, SOLT, Philippines
Meeting Christ in the Liturgy - MCITL: Meeting Christ in the Liturgy, Iraq (formerly Haurietis Aquas)
Meg's Life - Meg
Melanie Rigney - Melanie Rigney, Virginia
Melody's Harmonies - Melody
Memoirs of a Hopeful Housewife - Hope
Memories of a Catholic Wife and Mother - Christine
The Men of St. Joseph
Mercy and Mary - Fr. John Larson, Washington D.C.
Mercy at Three
Mere Comments - Touchstone Magazine Editors
Mere Observations - Jeff Walker (formerly Dolce Domum)
The Merry Catholic - Bill Dunn
Messy Jesus Business - Sr. Julia Walsh, FSPA
Mia Cucina, Mia Famiglia, Mia Vita - Marisa, Louisiana
Michael Halbrook - Michael Halbrook
Michele Quigley.com - Michele Quigley (formerly Family Centered Living)
Michelle Arnold - Michelle Arnold
Michelle Mahnke - Michelle Mahnke
Mid-West Capuchins - Digital Friar
The Might of Providence! - BerlinAspirant, New Hampshire
Millennial - Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good
Mined Gems - Mena J., Canada
Minnesota Mom - Margaret, Minnesota
A Minor Friar - Friar Minor
Una Mirada en el Tiempo - Juan Pablo Navarro Rivas (formerly Una Miracla en el Tiempo)
La Mirada en Perspectiva - Alonso Cracián
Mirror of Justice - Group
Missão Rio de Janeiro
Missão São Paulo
The Mission Blog - Family Missions Company
Mission Milwaukee
A Missionary Heartbeat in Union/Grainger Counties - Fr. Steve, Tennessee (formerly Union/Grainger Catholic Missionary Beginnings)
Misterio Cristiano - Néstor Mora
Misty's Mornings - Misty
Mittite Rete - Martina, Italy
Modern Catholic Mom - Andrea
A Modern Grace - Patty
Molly Makes Do - Molly Walter
Molly Oshatz - Openly Catholic - Molly Oshatz, California
A Mom for Life - The Unconventional Family - Kelly, Pennsylvania
Mom on the Go in Holy Toledo - Kat, Ohio
Momdeavor - Mar
A Moment from De Sales - Richard R. DeLillio, OSFS, Washington, DC
Momentum Veritatis - Clayton Richard Long
Momma in Flip Flops - Andrea
Mommynovenas - Lora Goulet
Mommynovenas Catholic Book Club
A Mom's Life - Beth, North Carolina
Monastero San Benedeto Blog - Monks of Norcia, Italy
Monastery Happenings - Poor Clares, New Jersey
Monastery Podcast - Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
The Monastery Vine - Missionary Benedictine Sisters, Nebraska
Monastic Housewife - Trish (formerly Carmel Light)
Monday Morning Reflection - Charlotte Upah
Monday Vatican - Andrea Gagliarducci, Italy
Monks and Mermaids - Fr. David Bird, OSB, Peru
A Monk's Chronicle - Fr. Eric Hollas, OSB, Minnesota
Monk's Corner - Deacon Joseph Meilinger, Colorado
Monk's Hobbit - Quirino M. Sugon, Jr.
Monk's Progress ~ - Charles Cingolani Höchenschwand, Germany
Monterey Bay Area Traditional Latin Mass
More2Life Blog - Greg & Lisa Popcak
More 2 Life [Podcast] - Greg and Lisa Popcak
Morning Rose Prayer Gardens - Margaret Rose Realy
Mother of Nine9 - Melanie Jean Juneau
Mother of the Fiat
Motherhood and Miscellany - Amy
Mothering Spirit
A Mother's Epistle - krausesw
The Motley Monk - Fr. Richard M. Jacobs, OSA, Pennsylvania
Mount Angel Abbey News - Mount Angel Abbey, Oregon
Mount Carmel - Sr. Helena of Mary, O.Carm., New York (formerly Still Small Voice)
Mountain of Grace Homeschooling - Monique, Virginia
Mr. Mueting's Saint Weblog - Mr. Mueting, Nebraska
MT Catholic - D-Wherl
Mulier Fortis - Mac McLemon
Mundabor's Blog - Mundabor
The Muniment Room - Ttony, UK
The Music and Ministry of Patrice Egging - Patrice Egging
Musica Sacra - Church Music Association (Formerly Sacred Music)
Musings at 85 - Dorothy Vining
Musings by Tom Balistreri - Tom Balistreri (formerly From Balderdash to Epiphany)
Musings of a Capital Region Catholic - Kylie P., New York (formerly She Speaks with Wisdom)
Musings of a Mountain Catholic - Matthew (formerly Another Matt's Blog)
Musings of a Pertinacious Papist - Dr. Phillip Blosser, North Carolina
The Musings of a Wanderer - Olivia, Georgia
My Beamish Brood - Taryn, Minnesota
My Catholic Kitchen - Veronica Gantley, Virginia
My Catholic Life - Vickie Armstrong, Indiana
My Child, I Love You - Lindsay
The Credo Experience - Group
My Classic Creedz (formerly The Credo Experience)
My Daily Bread - Kinga Bajer, Rhode Island
My Daily Musing - Fr. Michael J. Yadron
My Domestic Church - Elena LaVictoire
My Domestic Monastery - Michele Chronister
My Morning Cup - HsMom, Missouri
My Path to Faith - Ron, Colorado (formerly Being Catholic)
My Simple Walk - Kelly (formerly My Road to Simplicity...)
My Symphony - Lindsay
My Table is Spread - Melissa Musick Nussbaum
My Thursday Thoughts - John Kenkel, Nebraska
My Turn to Talk - Emerald
My Way God's Way - Peter Clarke, OP
The Mystical Body of Christ Blog - Ron
MysticPost.com (formerly MinistryValues.com)
Mystics & Prophets - Group
Nacer - P. Álvaro Sánchez Rueda, Argentina
Nancy Carabio Belanger - Nancy Carabio Belanger
Narrative Heiress - Ashley
Naru Hodo - Marie, Ohio
Nassau County N.Y. Catholic - Joe McMahon, New York
Natanaele - Rodolfo
National Shrine of the Sacred Heart
NCR Today - National Catholic Reporter Group Blog
Neal Obstat Theological Opining - Thomas J. Neal, Louisiana
Nettie's World - Nettie
Never Give Up - John Janaro, Virginia
New Advent Blog
The New Beginning - Papabear, California
New Crusaders for Truth
The New Evangelization - Kent Mayeux, Louisiana
New Evangelizers - Group
New Feminism Rising - Theresa Martin
New Hearts New Lives - Nuns of St. Walburga Abbey, Colorado
New Horizons - New Horizons, Australia
The New Liturgical Movement - Group
New Sherwood - Jeff Culbreath, California
A New Springtime - Nori Coleman
New Wave Feminists - Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa
New Wood: Seeking the Infinite in a Finite World - Deacon David Backes, Wisconsin
New Zealand Conservative - Group
News, Dreams, and Stories - BG45
The Next Right Step - Charlie Johnston, Colorado
Nicene Guys - Group
The Night and Half-Light of Dreams - Irim, UK
Nihil Obstat - Martí Gelabert Ballester, OP, Spain
Nineteen Sixty-Four - Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Washington, DC
NOLA Catholic Experience - Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana
Non Angelus, Sed Anglus (formerly English Catholic)
Norbertine Vocations - NorbertineVocations, UK
Not a Tame Lion - Just a Blind Beggar
Not So Jumbo Jack - Tricia
The Not-So-Perfect Catholic - Mary
Not Strictly Spiritual - Mary DeTurris Poust
Notes from Above [Podcast]
Notes from Stillsong Hermitage - Sister Laurel M. O'Neal, Erem Dio, California
Notlukewarm - Deanna, Florida
Novena to St. Jude - St. Jude Novena Blog Publisher
NOW Is the Time... - Pennyante, Virginia
Nun News Blog - Poor Clares, Arizona
Nun Talk - Group
Nun with a Side of Pirate - Blackconstance
Nunblog - Sr. Anne, Illinois
Nun's Blog - Nuns of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery, Alabama
Nymphios - Clifford Carvalho (formerly Ecce Homo)
O Canto na Liturgia
Objets D'Artagnan - D'Artagnan (formerly The Wacky Wannabe Musical Monk)
Oblation: Liturgy and Life - Notre Dame Center for Liturgy, Indiana
Observer Destinations - The Observer, Illinois
Odor Christi - Fr. Skillman, Missouri
'Od's Blog! - Steve Roney
Of Lions and Men - Logan
Of Sound Mind and Spirit - Shelly and Lisa
Offer It Up - Fr. James Kubicki, SJ, Wisconsin
Offerimus Tibi Domine - Fr. Simon Henry, UK
Oh........Francesco - Joe Reciniello
Oh Lord, Open My Lips - Fr. Joseph Sobolik, Minnesota
Old Fashioned Girl - Mary (formerly Mountaintop)
Omnia Christus est Nobis - Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S., California (formerly Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S.)
Omnium Sanctorum Hibernia - Marcella (formerly Under the Oak)
On Pilgrimage - Lori, New York (formerly Lori's Pilgrimage)
On the Inside; On the Outside - Deacon Allen Tatara, Illinois
On the News - Phil Lawler
On the Road to Damascus - Robert Collins, Illinois
On the Road to Jerusalem - Bishop George V. Murry, SJ, Ohio
On the Wing of an Angel - Rusty
On This Day - On This Day Designs
On This Rock - Fr. John Hollowell, Indiana
Once I Was a Clever Boy - Once I Was a Clever Boy, UK
One Bread, One Body - Jeff Tan, Australia
One Catholic Life - Deacon Nick Senger, Washington
One Catholic Mama - Amelia
One Heart, One Soul: Stories from our Monastic Home - Yankton Benedictines, South Dakota
One Man's Hope for a Better World - Jasbir Singh
One More Catholic - Rebecca, Connecticut
One Peter Five - Group
One Third Acre Farm - The Goulet Family
One to One - Catholic Near East Welfare Association
The One True Faith - Faith Flaherty, Massachusetts
One Woman's Thoughts - Ms. Nemo
Only a Mere Woman - Blue Henn, Virginia (formerly Merely a Woman)
Open Catholic - Patrick Hartigan, Oregon
Open Wide the Doors - John Paul II Shrine, Washington, DC
Open Window - Rita Buettner
Opiniones de un Converso - Emilio Alegre, Spain
OPreach - Sr. Pat Farrell, OP, California
Ora et Labora et Maternitas - CajunTexasMom, Texas
Ora Pro Siria - Ora Pro Siria
La Oración - Fr. Evaristo Sada, LC
Oraciones Católicas - LNDT, Spain
The Orant - Billy Kangas, Washington, DC
Oratorio Monástico
Orbis Catholicus Secundus - JPSonnen, Italy
Order of Preachers Vocations - Fr. Benedict Croell, OP, Washington, DC
The Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy - Mercedarian Friars
Ordinary Jo(seph) - Derrick Kunz
Ordinary Time
Oriens - Oriens Foundation
Orthometer - Fr. Erik Richtsteig, Utah
Orwell's Picnic - Hilary Jane Margaret White, Italy
OSV Daily Take - John Norton and Greg Erlandson
Our Amazing, Beautiful, Crazy Life - Joanne Kibbe
Our Blessed Mother's Children - Fr. Neil Buchlein, West Virginia
Our Catholic Homeschool - Catie
Our Catholic Way - Kim Tisor
Our Family - Kristen (formerly A Catholic Riddle)
Our Franciscan Fiat - Dillingen Franciscans, North Dakota
Our Home on the Range - Kansas Mom & Dad, Kansas
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Mill Valley - Our Lady of Mount Carmel, California
Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey - Trappist Nuns, Iowa
Our Magnum Opus - Kevin and Bridget
Our One Hope - Thomas Athanasius & Lou Pizzuti
Our Passionist Charism
Our Shepherd - Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila, Colorado
Our Story
Out of My Catholic Mind - Sue Elvis
Outside the Asylum - Anthony S. Layne, Texas
Outward Signs
Over the Rhine and into the Tiber - Group, Ohio
The Oxford Oratory - Church of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, UK
Oxygen - Catholic Writer
Pan de la Semana - Fr. Vitaliano Chito Dimaranan, SDB, Philippines
Paolabelletti - Paola Belletti
Paper Dali - Veronica Jarski
The Paper Gryphon - Michael Jonathan Constantine Brumley, Texas
The Papist - Group
Para Tú Formación Espiritual
The Paraphasic - E. Milco
Parenting Mortification - Theologian Mom, New Jersey
Parish Blog of St. Edward the Confessor
Parishpriest - Parishpriestblogger, Texas
Parroquia de la Anunciación
Passion for Truth - Fr. Juan R. Vélez, Illinois
Passionate about Life - Easter A., Hawaii (formerly Mostly Prayers)
Passionate Mothering - Jodi Dauses
Passionate Perseverance - Mary, Virginia
The Passionist Charism - Passionistcharism, Australia
The Passionists Daily Reflections - Passionists of St. Paul of the Cross Province, New York
Pastoral RSCJ - Pastoral RSCJ
Pastoral Thoughts of Fr. Ed Namiotka - Fr. Ed Namiotka, Louisiana
Pastor's Column - Fr. Gary Zerr, Oregon
The Path Less Taken - Mary O'Regan, UK
The Path of Life - Br. Francis de Sales Wagner, OSB, Indiana (formerly The Yoke of Christ)
Patio de los Gentiles - Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto
PatrickPadley.com - Patrick Padley
Pauca Verba - Fr. Stephen P. Morris, Pennsylvania
Paulist Fathers Blog - Paulist Fathers
Paving the Path to Purity - Charisse Tierney, Kansas
Pax et Bonum
PazSalud in El Salvador - Susan Dewitt, CSJP, Washington (formerly La Paz de Susan)
Peace and Unity in Our Lives - George Calleja
Peace Garden Mama - Roxane Beauclair Salonen, North Dakota
The Peace of Christ - Hafsa, California
The Peace Pulpit - Bishop Thomas Gumbleton
Pecador Evangelizador - Fabio Rocha
Peg Pondering Again - Peg Demetris
The Pelianito Journal - PJ
Pencil Preaching
Una Penna Spuntata
Pensamientos de Juan Pablo II - Ljudmila Hribar, Argentina
Pensamientos y Fe (Reflections and Faith) - La Autora
Pensieri e Omelie - Vioroma
Il Pensiero Cristiano
Pentimento - Pentimento
People for Others - Paul Brian Campbell, SJ, Illinois
Perceptio - V
Peregrinations - Peregrinus Toronto, Canada
Perfume de Cristo
Perspective - Crystal
Philip Kosloski: Put on the Armor of God - Philip Kosloski
Philothea on Phire - Jay Boyd
Pia de Solenni - Pia de Solenni, Washington
Piccola Chiesa Domestica - Piccola Chiesa, Italy
Picturing God - Loyola Press
Piękno - Masha, Maine
Pilgrims in an Unholy Land
Pinewood Castle - Tracy
Pink Salt Riot - Jill, Oklahoma
Pint and Crux - Dan Pepin
The Pious Sodality of Church Ladies - Group
Pipoquicescorderosa - Educadora Vera Ribeiro, Portugal
The Pitter Patter Diaries - The McCormick Family
Pittsburgh Latin Mass Community - Pittsburgh Latin Mass Community, Pennsylvania
Plain Catholic in the Mountains and Valleys - Plaincatholic
Planted and Blooming - Andrew & Laura, Texas
Plínío Corrêa de Olíveíra - Circolo Culturale Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Plot Line and Sinker - Ellen Gable Hrkach
Plotinus in the Jungle: The Zimmermans in Papua New Guinea - Zimmerman Family, Papua New Guinea
Ponder Anew
Ponder These Things in Your Heart - Dennis Justison, Minnesota
Pondered in My Heart - Kimberlee
Ponderings of a Priest - Fr. Jack Mattimore, SJ, Maryland
Poor Clare Heart Ponderings - Poor Clare Nun, Virginia
Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration - Our Lady of the Angels Monastery, Alabama
Pop Culture Priest
Pope Francis - Christopher Blosser
Popes, Emeritus Benedict & Francis, and Jesus: God's Face - Plinthos
Popin' Ain't Easy - Throwback
The Port Stands at Your Elbow
Porta Caeli - Patricius, UK
Le Porte della Terra di Mezzo - Martina
Portsmouth Roman Catholic - John Kearney (formerly Catholic Rights)
Power from the Pews [Podcast] - Peggy Stanton
PR Woman for Christ - Sister Mary Peter
Practical Catholic Junto - Group
Practical Distributism - David W. Cooney
The Practicing Catholic - Deacon Joel & Lisa Schmidt
Practicing Mammal - Practicing Mammal
Praedicare - St. Dominic's Church, California
Prairie Father - Fr. Tyler Dennis
Pray! - De Maria (formerly Washed, Sanctified, and Justified)
Pray It Off Catholic Weight Loss - Ellen McCauley, New York
Pray to God Today - Michael R., Canada
Prayer Poems - Sr. Juliemarie McDonald, SND, Ohio
Prayer to Pen - Ryan Bilodeau
Praying for Grace - Barbara Stein
Praying with Grace - Grace Urbanski
PrayTell - Worship, Wit & Wisdom - Group
Preaching Friars - Dominican Students of the Provinces of St. Albert the Great and St. Martin DePorres
Precious Moments - Linda
Preferisco il Paradiso - Pippo Corigliano
Preghiere Corte
Prepare for Mass - Bob Kenward
Presence in the Pines - Sisters of Benet Hill Monastery, Colorado
Pretty Bones - Karina and Ben, Florida
Prie Dieu - Nancy Shuman
Priest - Fr. Jessie Somosierra, Philippines
A Priest Life - MCITL
Priests for Life
Principium et Finis - James Milliken
Printed as Preached - Fr. Cávana Wallace, California
Prints of Grace - Trisha Niermeyer Potter, Virginia
Pro Spe Salutis - Andreas, Germany
Pro Unione - A.J. Boyd, Italy
Prof. Felipe Aquino - Felipe Aquino, Brazil
Professor Bainbridge.com - Stephen Bainbridge, California
The Progressive Catholic Voice - Group
Project YM - Group
Pro-Life PA - Sue Cirba, Pennsylvania
The Proselytizing Papist - The Proselytizing Papist, Spain
proudcatholicdotcom - Sherry, Louisiana
Providence Women - Imelda Maurer, CDP
Provident God - Cathy Keller
The Provincial Emails - Terrence Berres, Wisconsin
Psallite Sapienter - Joshua, Australia
The Psych Word - Topaz
Psyched Catholic - Group
Public Catholic - Rebecca Hamilton, Oklahoma
Public Vigil - Michael
Purely Catholic - Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins and Jorge Lazaro Diaz
Pursued by Truth - Tagnes
Putting on the Mind of Christ [Podcast] - Henry Root
The Q Continuum - Marques, Virginia
Quantum Theology - Michelle
Quartermaster of the Barque
Quattrochiacchiere - Giuseppe Di Benedetto
Que la Paz de Cristo Habite en Vuestros Corazones - Fr. P. Milton, Spain
Que Todos Sean Uno - Cooperatrices Parroquiales de Cristo Rey
Questions from a Ewe - Questions from a Ewe, Michigan
Quicksilver to Gold - Group
Quidnunc - Poor Clare Nuns of Perpetual Adoration, Texas
Quiet Consecration - Leslie K., California
Quiet, Dignity, and Grace - Fides Quarens Intellectum, Louisiana
The Quoting Catholic - Claudia
The Rad Trad - The Rad Trad, Massachusetts
Radiate His Light - Maronite Servants of Christ the Light
The Radical Catholic - Radical Catholic
The Radical Life
Rádio América
Raindrops on My Head - Jennifer Kehoe, Ireland
Raising Abbey from the Dead - Jacob King, West Virginia
Raising Angels - Amy Parris, Georgia
Raising Lifelong Learners - Colleen, Ohio
Raising Young Ones
Raleigh to Rome [Podcast] - Diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina
Rambling Follower - Allison
Random Acts of Momness - Ginny Kubitz Moyer (formerly Mary and Me)
The Raspberry Palace - Theraspberrypalace
Reach Paradise - Michael
Reading Catholic - Nancy Piccione, Illinois
Real Catholic Mom - Heather
Real Life at Home (formerly Catholic Mothers Online and Many Little Blessings)
Real Life Radio Podcasts - Real Life Radio
The Real Presence - Cindy, Minnesota
Reasonable Catholic - Matt Nelson, Canada
Reasons for Chocolate - Patty, Texas
Reclaiming Our Children
Reconciled to You - Allison Gingras
Recta Ratio - G. Thomas Fitzpatrick, Massachusetts
The Rector's Blog at Saint John's Seminary - Mons. James P. Moroney, Massachusetts
The Recycled Catholic - The Recycled Catholic, Ohio
Rediscovering the Journey - Jim Harmon
Refined by Simple Love - Samantha
Reflections and Ruminations - Fr. Luke Fong, Singapore
Reflections for the Soul - Shadow
Reflections from the School for the Lord's Service - Sisters of St. Walburg Monastery, Kentucky
Reflections of a Catholic Scientist - Bob Kurland
Reflections of a Paralytic - Chelsea Zimmerman, Missouri
Reflections of a Secular Franciscan - Mark Banschbach, Florida
Reflections of an RSCJ - Helen Rosenthal, RSCJ, Florida
Reflections on Faith and Culture - Gil Bailie
Reflectons on My Catholic Journey - A.J. Avila
Reflections on Scripture, etc. - Congregation of Felician Sisters
Reflections on the Sacred Liturgy - Fr. Thomas Hoisington, Kansas
Reflejos de Luz - Augustinian Missionaries
Réflexions de Roger Ébacher - Bishop Roger Ébacher
Regina Prophetarum [Podcast]
Regnum Amoris - John R.
Regnum Christi Live - Group
Re-Inventing Mother - Reinventing Mother
Reivax Reflects - Fr. Xavier Thelakkatt, Minnesota
Rejoice Always! Pray Without Ceasing! - Beth Hersom
Rejoice! The Iconographic Arts Institute - Iconographic Arts Institute, Oregon
Releasing the Arrow - Fr. Lawrence Lew, OP
Relevant Catechesis - William K. O'Leary (formerly Catechesis in the Third Millennium)
The Religion Law Blog - Neil Addison, UK
The Religion Teacher - A Religion Teacher
Religious Life for Beginners - Sister Desire Anne-Marie (formerly 1st Year, 2nd Floor, 3rd Step)
Reliquiosamente - Nicoletta
Remembering Fr. William Doyle, SJ
Renew the Church Blog - R. Thomas Richard
Renewal of Faith - Fr. Jeff
A Reply to Love - Franciscan Sisters TOR, Ohio
Required Reiding - Baldman76, Tanzania
Response to Good News - Fr. Adam Booth, Indiana
Restless Pilgrim - David Bates, California
Restless Press
Restless Until I Rest in Thee - Agnes, Illinois
Restatement of the Obvious - JonMarc, Ohio
Restoration - Madonna House, Canada
Restore-DC-Catholicism - Restore-DC-Catholicism
Retro Katholisch
Retro Mummy - Corrie
Return to Rome - Frank Beckwith
Revelations - Clare Lafferty, New Jersey (formerly Random Thoughts from Scripture)
Reverenced Reading - Group
Reverend Know-It-All - Fr. Richard Simon, Illinois
Revolution of Love - Bobbi & Brian, California
Rezando a Vida em Familia - Famí Almeida, Portugal
The Rhodes Log - Kate, Texas
Richard S. Vosko - Fr. Richard S. Vosko, New York
Riding Shotgun - Charlemagne and Conquistadora
Rincón de la Esperanza
El Rincón de Yanka - Juan Carlos, Spain
El Rincón del Anacoreta - Joan Josep Tamburini, Spain
Riposte Catholique
Road Beyond 50 - KAM
The Road Goes Ever On and On
Roadkill Rhapsody
The Roamin' Catholic Seminarian - Deacon Andrew Kinstetter
Robert Colquhoun - Robert Colquhoun, UK (formerly Discovering Happiness)
La Roccia Splendente - Giacabi, Italy
Rodolfo Papa - Rodolfo Papa, Italy
Roman Catholic Heroes - Dolorosa
Roman Catholic Mission Somalia - RCMS, Somalia
Roman Christendom - Tribunus
A Roman Observer - Robert Mickens, Italy
Romans 12:12 - Mrs. Fitz, Canada
Romeros on Mission - Samuel & Lindsey Romero
Romualdica - OBL.SB
Ron Rolheiser, OMI - Ron Rolheiser, OMI, Texas
Rorate Caeli - Group
Rosemary's Fancy - October Rose
Rosenkranz + Pilgerzeichen
Roses Near Running Waters
Rose's Supposes - Sarah Rose, Michigan
Roy Petitfils - Roy Petitfils
Royal Doors: English Language Resources for Ukrainian Greek Catholics
Running the Race - Julia, Washington, DC
Runs with Angels...Lives with Saints - Runswithangels, Utah
Sacerdotus - Michael, Massachusetts
Sacred Oysters - Susan Anderson
The Sacred Page - Group
Sacred Sharings for the Soul - Celeste
The Sacred Sink - Brooke Taylor, Ohio
Sacri Palazzi - Andrea Tornielli, Italy
Sacrifice of Love - Marian Ninja
Sacristies of the World - Erica, England
Sacro & Profano - Andrés Beltramo
Sacro Curore di Gesù - Maria
Sagrado Corazón Eucarístico de Jesús - P. Álvaro Sánchez Rueda, Argentina
Sailing - Fr. Roy Cimagala, Philippines
Saint Affairs - Erica (formerly Boys, Books, and Balls)
Saint Anthony -- Lost and Found
The Saint Bede Studio Blog - St. Bede Studio, Australia
Saint Columbkille Parish - St. Columbkille Parish, Nebraska
Saint Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association
Saint Joseph's Abbey - Trappist Monks, Massachusetts
The Saint Lawrence Press - Saint Lawrence Press
Saint Leo Abbey Oblates - St. Leo Abbey, Florida
Saint Louis Catholic - Thetimman, Missouri
Saint Quote of the Day - Group
Saint Theodora/Mother Theodore Guerin - Mary K. Doyle
SaintlySages - Dave
Saints in Progress - Nicole Stallworth
Saints Will Arise - Kate, Australia
Saints 365 - Debbie
Salt + Light Blog
Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts - Monks from the Monastery of the Ascension, Idaho
Salve Maria Imaculada!
Sancrucensis - Thomas Waldstein
Sancte Pater - Vincenzo
Santa Maria de Cuapa
Santa Maria Reina - Group
Santa Rita Abbey Journal - Santa Rita Abbey, Arizona
Sarah Damm - Sarah Damm, Minnesota (formerly More than Enough)
Sarah Loves - Sarah, Indiana (formerly Faithworks)
SaskaPriest - Fr. Darryl Millette, Canada
Savor His Goodness - Catholic Cookie Jar (formerly Catholic Cookie Jar)
Saying Yes 2 Life - Mary Katherine Orces, Florida (formerly Agnes Day)
Scattered Showers in a Clear Sky - Anne Higgins, Maryland
Scattering Agates - Holly, Oregon
Schmidt Family Mission - Schmidt Family
Science and Religion -- Thoughts Along the Way - James Grundl
The SciFi Catholic - Group
Scots Catholic
A Scotsman in Rome - Ryan Black, Italy
Scott Eric Alt - Scott Eric Alt
Scottish Catholic Observant - Hughie, UK
Scottish Catholic Observer
Seasons - Seasons, Pennsylvania
Seasons of Grace - Kathy Schiffer, Michigan
SecondIron's Blog - Charles
The Secret Notebook - Claire, Philippines
Secretum Meum Mihi - Secretum Meum Mihi
A Secular Priest - Fr. Adrian Sharp, Australia
...Sed Noli Modo - Matt and Rosalie, Alaska
Seek First the Kingdom - Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Washington, DC
Seeking and Sharing Truth - Roxy Rubinic, Ohio
Seeking Jesus - Shirley, Canada
Seeking Something - Texas
Seeking the Plan of God - Jessica
Seilhan Family on Mission: For Better or Worse - Melissa S.
Semantics: A Seminarian Blog - Seminarians of the Archdiocese of Washington, Washington, DC
Seminarian Parents - Group
Semper Gaudete! - Rochelle, New York
Sense of the Sacred - Fr. Jojo Zerrudo
The Sensible Bond - Innocent Smith (formerly The Sunday Morning Soap Box)
Sentire cum Ecclesia - David Schütz, Australia
Ser Fraile Dominico - Dominican Group, Spain
Sermones de San Bernardo de Claraval - Pedro de Meneses, Spain
Servant and Steward - Fr. Daren Zehnle, Illinois (formerly The Draconarius)
Servant of Charity - SC
Servant of the Word II - Jim
Serviam - Felicitas
Serviam Ministries - David and Theresa Gilbert (formerly Catholic Chapter House Blog)
Servimus unum Deum - Latin Mass Altar Serving and Related Matters in the Toronto Archdiocese - Julian Barkin
Seth's Blog - Seth
Seton Magazine - Group
Seven Little Australians Plus One - Erin, Australia
Sguardo Cattolico - Group
Shadows on the Road - Ben Conroy
Shameless Popery - Joe Heschmeyer and Fr. Andrew Strobl
Sharing the Word of God - Fr. Michael Ufok Udoekpo, Wisconsin
Shepherd of Orange County - Bishop Kevin W. Vann, California (formerly Shepherd of Fort Worth)
A Shepherd's Post - Fr. David Barnes, Massachusetts
A Shepherd's Voice - Fr. John Molloy, California
The Shield of Faith - Frank Rega
Shiny Happy Catholics - Martha, Florida
The Shipwrack-Harvest - Fr. Christopher M. Zelonis, Pennsylvania (formerly Fr. Zelonis' Corner)
Shower of Roses - Jessica
Shrine Tower - Shrine Tower, Pennsylvania
Sierra Vista Sister-Franciscan - Sr. Carol Seidl, OSF, Arizona
Siete en Familia - Angelo
Silent Assemblies - Mike Farley, UK (formerly The Mercy Blog)
Silent Crusader - Tony Miorales, Kansas (formerly Catholic Silent Crusade)
Silent Insight
The Silversmith Collective - Group
Simcha Fisher - Simcha Fisher, New Hampshire
Simmons Family - Elizabeth
Simone's Journey - Simone
Simple Catholic Living - Carol
Simple Moodlings - The Moodler, Canada
Simple Salty Truth - Michael and Kristine, Washington (formerly The Fire Within)
Simplemama - Erika
Simply Catholic - Deacon Mike, California
Simply Inspired Prayer - Janet
Simply Spirit - Christine Schenk
The Sincere Gift
Single Mom Smiling - Strahlen
Sioux City Deacon Formation - Deacon David, Iowa
Sipping Lemonade - Lauren
Sister Marie de Mandat-Grancey - Lorraine, New York
A Sister of St. Joseph's Blog - Sr. Joanne Gallagher, CSJ, Massachusetts
A Sister Reflects - Sr. Lorraine Reaume, OP, Michigan
Sister Rose at the Movies - Sr. Rose Pacatte, FSP, California (formerly My Movies)
Sisters of Notre Dame, Kentucky Province - Sisters of Notre Dame, Kentucky
Sisters of Providence of St. Mary-of-the-Woods - Group, Indiana
Sisters of St. Benedict's Monastery - Benedictine Sisters, Minnesota
Sisters of St. Dominic - Sisters of St. Dominic, New York
Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities - Sisters of St. Francis, New York
Sisters of the Gospel of Life - Sisters of the Gospel of Life, Scotland
The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis (formerly Franciscan Footprints)
Sito del Santuario della Divina Misericordia - Santuario della Divina Misericordia, Italy
Sky View - Joe Tremblay, Wisconsin
A Slice of Smith Life - Tracy, North Carolina
Small Things - Ginny
Smaller Manhattans - Christian LeBlanc, South Carolina
The Smithy - Lee Faber and Michael
The Smoke of Satan in the Temple of God - Tim Wallace, Michigan
SnoringScholar.com - Sarah A. Reinhard
So Much to Say, So Little Time - Kathleen M. Basi
Sober Catholic - Paulcoholic
The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny
Society of St. John Chrysostom
Society of St. Oliver Plunkett - Society of St. Oliver Plunkett, Ireland
Sole Searching - Susan
A Solitary Bird - Rebecca
Someday Saints - Gina, Colorado
A Son of Saint Philip - Fr. Lawrence A. Donnelly, Canada
Sons i Natura - Marga, Spain
Sonshine in Our Hearts - MamaBear
The Soul of Rock n' Roll - Samwise
Soul Seeing - Group
A Soul Seeking to be Known - Fr. Brent Maher, Louisiana
The Sound of Silence - Jude Nwachukwu
Southern Orders - Fr. Allan McDonald, Georgia
Southwest Ordinariate - Ordinariate Groups in Devon and Cornwall, UK
Speak the Truth in Love - Randy (formerly Purify Your Bride)
Speaking of Scripture - Group
Spears Family Nebraska - Paula, Nebraska
Specolations - Brother Guy, SJ
Speramus (We Hope!) - Spera Rose
Spike is Best - Paul Stillwell, Canada
Spirit of the Daughters of Charity - Sr. Denise LaRock, Maryland
Spirit Singing - Rosemarie, Ohio
The Spirit's Sword - Bear-i-tone
The Spiritual Advocate - Mark Connolly
Spiritual Body Language / Postures in a Church - Skaria Maliyekal, India
Spiritual Devotional - Spiritual Devotional
A Spiritual Journey - ImperfectSaint
Spiritual Lives of Women - Patty Wilson Perknki
Spiritual Reflections - Group
Spiritual Ruminations - Fr. Steven Lange, Illinois
A Spiritual Side of Cinema - Group
Spiritual Woman - Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur, Massachusetts
The Spiritual Workout - Liesl, Washington, DC
Spirituality - Jean Khoury, UK
The Sports Fathers [Podcast] - Group of Priests
The Spruce Tunnel - Thesprucetunnel
St. Ann's Parish Blog, Banstead - St. Ann's Parish, UK
St. Anselm's Abbey News - St. Anselm's Abbey, Washington, DC
St. Edward Catholic Church Blog - St. Edward Catholic Church, California
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Exchange - Denise, Ohio
St. Henry II - Mary
St. John Neumann Catholic Church Blogs - St. John Neumann Church, California
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church
St. Joseph's Vanguard and Our Lady's Train - Devman
St. Landry Catholic Church - St. Landry Church, Louisiana
St. Michael's Abbey Blog - St. Michael's Abbey, UK
St. Monica's Bridge - Kristen
St. Patrick's Convent School - Doreen Walsh Noseworthy and Beth Anne
St. Paul's Outreach - St. Paul's Outreach, Ohio
St. Peter's List - Group
St. Procopius Abbey News Blog - St. Procopius Abbey, Illinois
St. Scholastica Monastery Blog - Benedictine Sisters, Minnesota
St. Walburga's Blog - Cathmom5
Stabat Mater
Stages of Prayer - Tony
Standing on my Head - Dwight Longenecker
A Star of Hope - JoAnna, Arizona
Staten Island Catholic - Staten Pilgrim, New York
Stealth Hermitess - Hermeitess Photini
Stepping Out of the Boat - Edward Mechmann, New York
The Stepping Stones
The Steps of St. Mary's - Sarah English, North Dakota
Steven D. Greydanus - Steven D. Greydanus, New Jersey
Sticking the Corners - Jennifer Fitz
Still Unfinished (formerly An Unfinished Person)
Stories from the Heart [Podcast] - Sandra McDevitt
Stories of an Unschooling Family - Sue Elvis, Australia
Story of a Rose - Raquel Rose
Strange Notions - Group
Streams 'N Stirrings - Sr. Jean
Strengthen Your Brethren - Laude Arts and Gifts, Texas
String of Pearls - Laura Pearl
Stuart's Study - Stuart, Alabama
Studeo: My Thinking Spot - Alicia VH
Stukam.pl - Fr. Artur Stopka, Poland
Sub Umbra Alarum Suarum - Matthaeus, UK
Subiaco Abbey - Monks of Subiaco, Arkansas
The Substance of Things Hoped For - Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB, Indiana
Suffering with Joy - Barbara A. Schoeneberger, Missouri
Le Suisse Rom@in - Abbé Dominique Fabien Rimaz, Switzerland
Summa This, Summa That - Joseph Susanka
Sunflower Seeds - Sr. Melannie Svoboda, SND, Ohio
Sunlit Uplands - Daniel J. Cassidy
Sunrise Marian
Super Martyrio - Carlos X, California
Supremacy and Survival: The Engish Reformation - Stephanie A. Mann, Kansas
Sursum Corda - Raúl Miguel, Argentina
Sursum Corda - Semiur, Italy
Sweet Wakings
Sweethearts Seeking Sanctity - Anthony T. & Andrea
Sword of Peter - Jeff B. Harris
Sylvia's Site - Sylvia
Symposium - Lateran649, UK
Syte Reitz - Syte Reitz, Wisconsin
T. Martin - T. Martin
The Tablet Blog
Tactical Catholic - Andrew McNutt
Take the Poor with You - Tienne, Colorado
Tales from the Bonny Blue House - Mary Ellen Barrett, New York
Tales from the Valley - Connie Ann, Maryland
Tan Antigua y Tan Nueva - Marc Vincent
Taylor Marshall - Taylor Marshall, Washington, DC (formerly Canterbury Tales)
Te Deum Laudimus; Te Deum Confitemur - Diane, Michigan
Tea at Trianon - Elena Maria Vidal, Pennsylvania
Teach Bhríe - House of Brigid - Group
Teach What You Believe - Deacon Jim Knipper, New Jersey
Team Orthodoxy - Group
TeamRCIA Podcast - Group
Team Whitaker - Kathryn
Ten Kids and a Dog - Joannof10, New York
Tengo Sed De Ti
Teresamerica - Teresa, Pennsylvania
Teresa's 2 Cents Worth Blog - Teresa Skelton, New Jersey
Testimoniando - Emilia Testimoniando, Italy
Testosterhome - Rachel Swenson Balducci, Georgia
That Strangest of Wars - Dan Lord
That the Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill - Laurence England, UK
That They May Be One - Michael Havercamp
That Which Remaineth - Timothy Graham, UK
Theologhia - Robert Cheaib, Italy
Theologian Mom - Theologian Mom, New Jersey
Theological Librarian - Emily C. Hurt, Virginia
Theology Geek - Theology Geek, Nevada
Theology is a Verb - Elizabeth
The Theology of Dad - Colin Kerr, Canada
The Theology of Laundry - Marissa K. Nichols, California
Theophilus Blog - Students at Catholic Theological Union, Illinois
There Will Be Bread
These Joyful Mysteries - Kathleen
These Stone Walls - Fr. Gordon MacRae
Thine Own Service - Fr. James Bradley, UK
Things Catholic (formerly Apologia)
Thinking Faith - British Jesuits, UK
Third Place Project - Mike Landry, Canada
This Ain't the Lyceum - Kelly
This Captivating Love - Hilary
This Cross I Embrace - This Cross I Embrace, New Jersey
This Felicitous Life - Laura
This Inspired Life [Podcast] - Kristen
This New Evangelization - Justin Stroh (formerly I Like Bein' a Catholic)
This Present Time - Fr. Andrew Hart, Arkansas
This, That, and the Other Thing - Rann
Thomas for Today - Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve, Massachusetts
Thomistica.net - Mark Johnson
Those Catholic Men - Group
The Thoughtful Catholic - Charles White, Guam
Thoughts Along the Journey - Joni
Thoughts and Views - Fr. Peter Fitch, UK
Thoughts from a Catholic - Chris Goulet
Thoughts from Mr. Fenn - Michael Fenn
Thoughts from the Hilltop - All Saints Sisters, Maryland
Thoughts from Theophilus - Deacon Chuck Stevens
Thoughts of a Priest - Fr. Chris Ortega
Thoughts on Grace - Colleen, Florida
Three Plus Two - Angela, Mississippi
Throne and Altar - Bonald
Through Shadows and Images - Tom Gourlay, Australia
Thy Sins Are Forgiven - Father L.
Tigerish Waters - Rita, UK
Time Flies When You're Having Babies - Ana
Time for Reflections - Victor S.E. Moubarak
timeofthechurch - Daniel Ang, Australia
Tim Haines Show [Podcast]
Timothy Cardinal Dolan - Cardinal Timothy Dolan, New York (formerly The Gospel in the Digital Age)
The Tin Whistle Priest - Ryan Duns, SJ (formerly A Jesuit's Journey)
TJBurdick.com - TJ Burdick
To Find Fruit - Paul D. Panaretos, SJ, Ohio
To Go Forth - USCCB Department of Justice, Pace & Human Development, Washington, DC
To Love with the Heart of Christ - Fr. Benjamin Roberts, North Carolina
To the Heights - Olivia
Today with the Saints - S.L. Hansen, Nebraska
Tom Perna - Tom Perna, Arizona
La Tomba di Sant'Agostino - Pavia - Basilica di San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro
Tony Agnesi - Tony Agnesi, Ohio
Totus Tuus Family & Catholic Homeschool - +JMJ+
Traces of Heaven - Barbie
Traditio Catholica - Andrea Carradori, Italy
Traditional Catholic Living - Erin, Massachusetts
Traditional Catholic Priest - Fr. Peter Carota
Traditional Catholicism
Traditional Latin Mass Community of St. Mary Magdalen - St. Mary Magdalen Chapel, California
Traditional Latin Mass in Maryland - Group
Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English - Deacon John Giglio, Jr.
Trahe Me Post Te - Rachel Gohlman, Florida
Training Happy Hearts - Martianne
The Transfiguration of Creation
Transformed by Grace - FUS Women's Ministry, Ohio
Transformed in Christ - transformedinchrist
Translating a World on the Edge - Kaye Park Hinckley
The Traveling Ecumenist - Frank Lesko
Travels of a New Christian - Lynn Reese Cumming
Trentamenouno - Elena, Italy
Trias Thaumaturga - Marcella
Trinity Acres - Julie
Triregnum - ServusMariaeN, Maine
Trubador - the Arbiter of Common Sense - Trubador, California
The True Dignity of Women - Bethanie Ryan
True Good and Beautiful - Jonathan and Amanda
Truly Rich Mom - Tina Santiago-Rodriguez, Philippines
Truth and Charity Forum - Group
Truth Himself - Janette
Truth in Love - Bishop Paul D. Etienne, Wyoming
The Truth Will Make You Free - Fr. Robert Connor, New York
Tuscany Press Blog - Tuscany Press
Two Catholic Men and a Blog - Ben and Joe
Ubi Petrus - Frival
Ubi Spritus Domini Ibi Libertas - Fr. Pius, OP
Ubique Lucet
Ulczynski Update - Ann-Marie Ulczynski, Texas
Uma Família Católica - Niall & Teresa Power
Umblepie - Umblepie, UK
Unam Ecclesiam
Unam Sanctam Catholicam - Boniface and Anselm
Unbound Blog - Unbound (formerly Around the World with CFCA)
Unconditional - Robyn Barberry, Maryland
Under Grace - Gabriela, Minnesota
Under the Broom Tree - Deacon J.T., Indiana
An Undivided Heart - Institute on Religious Life
Unending Mercy - Fr. Mike Keucher (formerly The Long Journey into Light)
Unequally Yoked - Leahlibresco
Unshakeable Hope - Emily Bissonnette, Ohio
Untrodden Paths - Eva, New York
Unveiling the Apocalypse - Emmett O'Regan, Northern Ireland
Updates from Fr. Roderick [Podcast] - Fr. Roderick
The Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown, Ohio - Ursuline Sisters, Ohio
U.S. Catholic Blog - Group
USCCB Media Blog - Group
Utah Catholics
Uwakwe Reflections - Chibuike Uwakwe, Nigeria
V for Victory! - Anita Moore, Idaho
The Vagrant Catholic Blog - Richard Morin
Vassallomalta - Group
VatiKos - Sharon Bennit Jefferson
The Veil of Chastity
Veil of Veronica - Susan Skinner
Veils and Vocations - Jennifer
Venerable Matt Talbot Resource Center - John R. Blair
Verbum Domini [Podcast]
Verdad y Justicia, por Dios - Khispaio Atlántico, Spain
Veritas - Group
Veritas - Group
Veritas Liberabit - John O'Brien, SJ, Canada
Veritatem Facientes in Caritate. Proclaiming the Truth in Love - Fr. Matthew J. Albright, Ohio
Verso l'Alto - Fr. Dominic Petan, Indiana
Vexilla Regis - Vexilla Regis, Australia
Via Dolorosa Per Pax - Rebecca LaBriola
Via Vicentius Valentiae - Salvador Raga
Viaduct - Good Counsel's Blog - Good Counsel's Home
Viaje al Parnaso - José M. Martínez, Texas
Victor's Place - Fr. Victor Hoagland
La Vida Es un Campo de Batalla Espiritual - Ailyn, Mexico
Video Meliora, Proboque; Deteriora Sequor - TS O'Rama
View from the Ambo - Fr. Todd J. Petersen, Minnesota (formerly Vocations Views)
View from the Domestic Church - Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle
Viewpoints - Archbishop Oscar Cruz, Philippines
Views from the Choir Loft - Jeff & Cynthia Ostrowski
Vince Frese - Vince Frese (formerly Divorced. Catholic. Now What?)
Virgen Maria Auxiliadora
Virginia Lieto - Virginia Lieto, North Carolina
Virgolettato - Nasca Michelangelo, Italy
VIS News - Holy See Press Office, Vatican
Visitation Monastery of Minneapolis - Group
Visitation Spirit - Sister Susan Marie
Vivereeincontrarsi - EVS
Vivir en Cristiano - Lázaro Hades
VOCAL (Voice of Catholics Advocating Life) - Carolyn, Oregon
Vocation Ministry
The Vocation Operation - Kim Lee and Emily Ann Francis
Vocazione Blog
Vocazione Francescana - Brs. Francis and Alberto, Italy
Voice from the Desert - Frank Douglas, Arizona
Voice in the Wilderness - Fr. Shawn P. Tunink, Kansas (formerly Diary of a Pilgrimage)
Vox Cantoris - Vox, Canada
Vox Nova - Group
Vultus Christi - Fr. Mark Daniel Kirby, O.Cist.
V2catholic.com - Fr. John Wotherspoon, OMI
W. Mass. Catholic Voices Blog - Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts
Wait...So That's What Catholics Believe?!?! - Deacon Brian Wentz
Waiting for You - Mike & Mary Beth
Wake Up, Deborah! - Jennifer Hartline
Walden Mommy - Laura
A Walk with Us - A Young Adult Catholic Blog - Group, Virginia
Walking Humbly with God - Hector
Walking the Rite Way - RCIA Network of England and Wales, UK
Walking with the Father - Fr. Mathew Keshwah, Canada
Waltzing Matilda - Charlotte
The Wandering Friar - Fr. John Anglin, OFM, Florida
Wandering in Wonder - Colleen Gibson
The Warrior-Prince
Warriorsworlddad - Dennis P. McGeehan
Water into Wine - Lisa Mladinich
The Way of Beauty - David Clayton, New Hampshire
The Way to Nourish for Life
The Wayward Catholic - The Wayward Catholic
We Are the Salt - Group
Weaving a Tapestry of Relationships Like Jesus - Br. James Hayes, England (formerly The Last Brother?)
The Weekly Chronicle - Monastery of Our Lady of Calvary, Canada
Weekly Column from Archbishop Chaput - Archbishop Charles Chaput, Pennsylvania
The Weekly Word - Group
The Weight of Glory - Clayton Emmer
What Does Mike Think? - Mike, New Jersey
What if God Says No - Donna
What Sister Never Knew and Father Never Told You
What the Faith [Podcast] - Lindsay and Caroline, Australia
What's Happening at the UN? - Sr. Kathleen, CSA
Wheat and Weeds - RC2, Washington, DC
Wheelie Catholic - Ruth
Where the Rubber Hits the Road - Fr. Tim Moyle, Canada
Whiskey Catholic - Group
Whispers in the Loggia - Rocco Palmo, Pennsylvania
Whitesmokeahoy - Umblepie, UK
Whom Shall I Send? - Myra Ramos D'souza, Kuwait
Why Become a Catholic
Why I Am Catholic - Webster Bull, Massachusetts
Why, Yes, I Am Crazy. Thank You for Asking. - Mary Kate
The Wild Reed - Michael J. Bayly, Minnesota
Wildflowers and Marbles - Jenmack, Alabama
Windows on Ursuline Life - Ursulines
WindowstotheSoulBlog - Sr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP
The Wine Dark Sea - Melanie Bettinelli
A Wing And A Prayer - Ron Rolling, Minnesota
A Wink and a Smile... - Momto5minnies
WIT - Women in Theology - Group
With a Faithful Heart - Jessica
With a Hopeful Heart - Sarah, Minnesota
With Good Reason - Fr. Thomas Berg, New York
With His Grace - Kari
Without a Doubt - Bishop thomas J. Tobin, Rhode Island
Witness for Church and Pope - Group, Canada
Witnesses to Hope - Sr. Dorcee
WitnessPath - Todd K. Marsha
A Woman's Place - Cam, California
Women in the New Evangelization - Group
Women of Grace
Word in the Hand - Word in the Hand, UK
The Word to the World - Fr. Vladimir Echalas, SOLT, Australia
Words of the Word - Fr. Mark J. Hunt, Pennsylvania
The Work of the Church
Work of the People - Diocese of San Jose, California
The Working Catholic Mom - Mary Wallace
The World is My Cloister - Cloister, UK
The Worst Franciscan - Michael Smith
Worthy of Agape - Amanda Mortus
Writing for the Lord - Christine Trollinger
Writing with Your Heart - Therese J. Roberts
The Writings of A.K. Frailey - A.K. Frailey
Written by the Finger of God - Anabelle Hazard
Young Adult Catholics - Group
Young and Catholic - Mary
Young Catholic Women - Exceptional Daughters of God - Group
Young Chesterton Chronicles - John McNichol
Young Voices - Group
Your Daily Tripod - The Lighthouse Keeper, Virginia
Youth Speak News - Group
Zephyrinus - Zephyrinus
Zoom Times - Wendy
1 Franciscan Way - 1 Franciscan Way, Illinois
1catholicsalmon - 1catholicsalmon
3 Minute Apologetics - The Amateur Apologist
8 Kids and a Business - Terry
12 Lives at the Lake + 1 - Kim, Minnesota
The 15th Station [Podcast] - NZ Catholic, New Zealand
The 21st Century American Catholic - Anthony Massimini, New Jersey
500 Jahre Teresa von Avila - jos.m.betle
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